Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Grant!

It's happening already. Dylan was invited to his first b-day party for a school friend. His two best friends at school are Grant and Jacob. One of the teachers told me they call the three of them the Three Musketeers. They were all born within a few weeks of each other, and have been in daycare together since they were 3 months old. (and after talking to their mom's at the party, I found out they will all be attending St. Paul's together for grade school! How fun is it that when these boys will hopefully be friends their whole lives!) Now they are all turning 3! Grant's birthday is first, so we attended his super hero birthday party. Here are all three boys opening Grant's b-day presents. Grant was very nice to share when it came to opening his gifts...I'm not sure Dylan would be as willing to share that!
One of Grant's gifts was one of those 4 wheeler truck things. All 3 boys LOVED it, even though they couldn't take it outside to actually ride it. They were quite content just sitting in it. The birthday boy, Grant, is driving, of course. And Jacob is in the back. We had a great time at the party and it was nice to get to know the boy's moms. Happy Birthday Super Hero Grant!

Happy Birthday Olivia!

I can't believe Olivia is 2 already! The boys helped her celebrate her second birthday last Friday. Unfortunately I missed most of the celebration, but here are some cute pictures that Heidi took.

Here's Olivia enjoying her cake. For some reason this picture really reminds me of her dad...
Jackson looking sweet as always. There's just something about a black and white picture...Dylan playing with the Dora balloon.

3 months and Baptism

We celebrated Jackson's baptism last weekend. Unlike his big brother, Jackson did very well during the baptism ceremony...only getting a little upset when they poured the water on his head. (Dylan screamed through the whole ceremony when he was baptized.) Since it was right at his 3 month mark, I went ahead and got his 3 month pictures taken in his baptism outfit. I know I'm a little biased, but I just think he is so adorable!

Uncle Mike and Aunt Heidi are Jackson's godparents. He is so lucky to have such great people in his life!
Just looking cute while I was getting him ready.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My little man is 11 weeks old!

Jackson is growing up so fast. I can't believe he is 11 weeks old. I have a pile of pictures that I was putting in my albums (I'm a little behind!) and realized I never scanned his 2 month pictures. So, here they are! He looks like a football player here...where's his neck???!!! The photographer was dead set on getting him to sit up for one of the pictures. I kept reminding her that he was only 2 months old and didn't sit on his own. I think she kept forgetting b/c he's so big! He was very wobbly, and I was close by, but he's sitting, kind of. He's leaning against the wall behind him. That counts, right? :)
The token winter/Christmas picture.Isn't he just sweet?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The picture quality is not the best, but I found some pictures from when I was a brand new baby. They are dated Jan. 79, which is the month I was born. I'm thinking baby Jackson looks a lot like his momma! Here I am just hanging out.

Random Photo Shoot

We caught both the boys in a good mood so we did an impromptu photo shoot. Me and my favorite little boy!
Here's me and both my favorite boys.
Dylan wanted to hold Jackson, which he honestly hasn't shown much interest in so far. Once he was holding him he didn't want to let go. It was very sweet. Jackson looks a little nervous though!
My little 'Big Guy!'

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone enjoyed a fun & safe New Years celebration. I can't believe it's 2010! We joined some friends for a crab & shrimp boil. We boiled crab, shrimp, corn, potatoes & sausage and then threw it on the table. It was delicious! Here are the boys boiling our food outside in the cold.

The table. Bon Appetite!

After dinner we played some wii and waited for the ball to drop. Okay, so we played wii, then made fun of everyone on TV while we waited for the ball to drop. Were we the only ones that were shocked with J Lo's outfit? She looks great, but no one should wear that. :) Anyhow, here's a group shot we took before all the kids went to sleep.

Jackson looking adorable in his 'tuxedo'.

The kids hanging out.

Dylan is pretty picky about what friends he likes. He has always liked Maddie though. They are BFF.

I was going to let Dylan stay up until midnight, but the poor guy crawled into my lap and fell asleep at 11:51. So close.