Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jackson is all Smiles!

Finally! One of my boys has one of my features. Dylan looks just like his dad, and Jackson is definitely going to have Scott's blue eyes. But, check out this smile. (Who says babies don't smile until they are 3 months???) He has at least one of my dimples!

Brotherly Love

Here's a few cute pictures of my boys. I love this picture....it looks like Jackson is talking to Dylan. I think Dylan is concentrating on counting his toes!
Giving kisses.
Giving even more kisses.
I love this one too. Apparently something was funny!

Just admiring each other. Very sweet.

Boo at the Zoo!

Last Saturday Scott, Dylan, Jon & Olivia went to Boo at the Zoo while Heidi, Evie, Jackson and I relaxed at home. Scott said the kids had fun at the zoo...when they were looking at animals and getting candy. I think the lines tested the patience in all of them. :) Heidi and I had a great time at Evie and Jackson's first play date! Here's Dylan...oh, I mean Woody.

Livvie the ladybug!

Don't they just look so thrilled???

Jackson & Evie's first play date. Evie is 3 months older than Jackson...they grow so quickly! She looks huge next to him!

Sweet baby Jackson.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jackson's hospital pictures

We had the photographers at the hosptial, Bella Baby, take some pics for us. If you want to view them go to www.bellababyphotography.com. Click on the bella baby, and then view my photos. Our password is 1019jacksonhaarmann. Enjoy!

Welcome Jackson Christopher!

What an exciting and tiring week so far! I was induced on Monday morning, and Boy 1 (or so all the paperwork said ) was born at 4:14pm. We finally settled on his name a couple of hours later...Jackson Christopher. He was 8 pounds 7 ounces and 21 inches long. Here's a picture of Scott, Jackson and I before they took Jackson up to the nursery for all his tests.

Close up of Jackson.

My sister Kassi, who was watching Dylan and updating facebook for me all day, (People, that was not me updating facebook while I was in labor! Although, I was texting Kassi the updates to post, so I guess I'm still a little crazy!) brought Dylan up to meet the baby. He was a little nervous that mommy was laying in the hospital bed. I look like I'm ready to fall asleep on his shoulder!

In an attempt to include Dylan in everything, we had him pick out a toy for the baby before the baby was born. Dylan was very surprised to see that the baby had a present for Dylan as well. And not just any present, but a choo choo train set! Here he is with Scott and Jackson showing Papa what the baby gave him. He would not let go of that toy until they left. Kassi said he played with it the whole next day too. I guess Jackson knows what his big brother likes already!

Here's a picture of Dylan and Jackson with Papa. Dylan's so proud in his big brother shirt. (Although when we were leaving the hospital this morning, Dylan said "Momma, Dada, Dylan go...Baby stay." It's going to be a fun few weeks of adjusting for us!)

I'm still working on getting that whole family shot!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Transportation Museum

Dylan's latest obsession has been trains...or as he likes to call them, Choo Choo's. So, yesterday we took him to the transportation Museum. He was in little boy heaven! I could see where it would be exciting if you were a 2 year old boy. :) We were able to go inside some of the trains and play with the gears etc. There was also a trolley there that we got to ride on. He thought that was pretty neat. Here's a cute picture of Scott & Dylan walking together looking at the trains.

Here they are on the back of one of the trolley cars.

Dylan's learning how to become a train engineer! It looks like tough work!

Peaking out of one of the windows.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Baby Update!

I had a doctor appointment this afternoon. I am 3cm dilated and 60% effaced. So, I'm working on having this baby, it's just taking longer than I hoped. Dylan was already born at this point! I am scheduled to be induced on Monday morning, the 19th, if I don't have him before then. Yeah! We'll be sure to keep everyone posted!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Evelyn's baptism

Today we helped Evelyn and her family celebrate Evelyn's baptism. Congrats Evie! Here's a picture of Jon, Heidi and Evie during the baptism ceremony.
Here's an adorable picture of Dylan running around outside the church after the ceremony.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Toy Story 1&2 in 3D

Although Dylan's current obsessions are Finding Nemo, Diego, and Shrek, 2 weeks ago it was Toy Story 1 & 2. So, when we heard they were coming to the theaters in 3D we thought it would be fun to make that his first movie experience. Yes, it was both movies back to back, which was 3 hours long. But, Dylan did really well. They had the stadium seats so we were able to put up the arm in between us. I propped my feet up on the seat next to us (the theater was not even half way full), and Dylan sat in what is left of my lap. (The baby belly has kind of taken over my lap!) Here's Dylan inside the theater. He was refusing to look at the camera today, so I snuck a picture while I was walking behind him.
Here's Dylan sitting in the big theater seats, holding his 3D glasses. He didn't wear them at all for the movie. I watched part of the movie without my glasses to see if it hurt my eyes, and for the most part it was fine. There were a couple parts that were more blurry than others, but mostly it was just like watching a regular movie. He didn't seem to mind at all, that's for sure. As long as he had his popcorn and juice, he was a happy camper.

Pumpkin Patch!

Despite the fact that Dylan was crabby and hadn't napped all day, we decided to try Stuckmeyer Farm's Pumpkin Patch Saturday afternoon. He did really well, until the very end. What kid wouldn't be happy with a corn maze, a fabulous playground fort, a tractor barrel choo choo ride, and kettle corn? Not to mention, Aunt Kassi and Josh showed up to surprise him! Here he is climbing up the rock wall on the playground fort. It was a taller wall than he usually attempts to climb, but he did really well climbing it. He was so proud of himself...and so was I! Here he is running through the corn maze. He was racing me to get to the end. You can see my belly button sticking out behind him!

Quick snapshot of Dylan and I at the end of the maze.

Dylan and Mom Jack O Lanterns!

The barrel Choo Choo ride. He was a little nervous to ride this one, because mommy and daddy weren't allowed to come with him. He was very excited when they first took off, but then as the tractor that was pulling them rounded the corner, I think he realized that he wouldn't be able to see us the whole time and he looked like he was seriously thinking about crying. But, he put his tough guy face on and was still smiling (sort of) when they got back. He even wanted to go again. I think the train ride was the beginning of the end though. He was rubbing his eyes when they rounded the corner to return, and at first I thought dust must have been getting in his eyes. But then, after he got off the ride he was acting beyond tired...I think he was rubbing his eyes because the choo choo ride was very close to putting him to sleep. We left shortly after that and I don't think we made it out of the parking lot before he fell asleep!

Aunt Kassi and Josh.

Family Photo op. We're kind of far away, but it's probably better that way. We took this after the train ride and Dylan was a little grumpy. He wouldn't smile or even look at the camera half the time. Plus, the scenery is pretty.

My big helper putting the wagon away when we were all done. He pulled the wagon around almost the whole time. (We didn't buy any pumpkins, so he was pulling around my purse, the camera bag and some kettle corn...not too heavy. Although, it's amazing how much stuff I can cram in my purse. It can be pretty heavy sometimes.) Here's a perfect example of my son's obsessive compulsive behavior though. We returned the wagon, and then he had to make sure that every handle on every wagon was placed a certain way. The handles were not allowed to be touching the ground. I really don't know where he gets that behavior from. Hmmm....