Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Haarmanns at the Lake

This past weekend we did our annual Haarmann weekend at the lake. Every year we aim to get the whole immediate family together for some quality time. The water was too cold to go swimming, but we were able to go for a boat ride! At first Dylan didn't really like it and buried himself in Dad's shoulder.

After awhile he got used to it and decided maybe it wasn't all bad. Here he is helping PaPa drive the boat.

Here's Livvy helping to drive the boat. She doesn't look very enthusiastic about it. She loved the boat ride though and spent most of the time dancing to the music!

Here's MaMa holding both of her grand babies during the boat ride. Just think...this time next year there will be 4 grand babies to hold!
Here's a cute pic of my sweet little boy.

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