Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our first fight.

Dylan has been in the habit of pulling my hair lately. He's always played with my hair, twisting it etc. But lately he's been pulling it and it hurts! The other day I turned around and pulled his hair back! He looked at me in total shock. After a few seconds, his shocked face slowly turned to a very sad face and then he started crying. Meanwhile my heart was breaking. He wouldn't let me hold him, which is VERY rare. He only wanted Da-Da. Scott calmed him down and after what seemed like a million years (it was probably like 5 minutes) Dylan finally wanted me to hold him again. He came back and apologized to me for pulling my hair. I apologized to Dylan as well, even though I'm not 100% sure I needed to since I was trying to teach him a lesson. But, Scott convinced me that we were also trying to teach him that if you do something wrong, you apologize. Blah blah blah. I was just glad my little boy was letting me love on him again. He still pulls my hair occasionally, (I don't think he even realizes he's doing it half the time.) but as soon as I ask him to stop, he stops. So, do I call that a lesson half learned? I don't think it's fully learned until he quits pulling my hair completely. We'll get there someday.

My sad sad little boy

So Thursday afternoon I received a call from Dylan's school. No emergencies, they tell me, but Dylan can't open his eye. They said he woke up from nap time and it was swollen shut. They didn't think it was pink eye, but I went to pick him up anyways. (After all, a mother's love is way better than some daycare teacher!) They weren't kidding though...check out that eye! It didn't phase him one bit though. He was still running around playing like normal. I called the doctor and they said it's probably just allergies and recommended some eye drops for us. The drops worked great and he was fine the next day! Don't you just want to hug him though? He looks so sad with his swollen eye!

New House!

Finally! Here are the pictures I said I would post. This is the front of our new house...which passed inspection! You can see the inspector and Scott hard at work!
Here's the back of the house. The deck is maintenance free and there is an in-ground sprinkler system!
You walk in the front door and right to the right is the 'formal living room.' It will be our play room for the boys.
Right to the left of the front door is the dining room. Since we have a play room now, my imaginary dining room table might become real! I never thought I'd see the day! You can see that the dining room connects to the kitchen.
And here is the kitchen. Right to the left of the fridge (which is staying so our appliances all match!) is a little hallway that takes you to the garage, bathroom, and laundry room (which is like 10 times bigger than ours is now!)
Here's a view from the kitchen to the living room. I was trying to show how open it is, but I'm not sure you get that from this picture. You can see there is lots of room for the kitchen table. The sliding glass door is to the left of the kitchen table, which takes you out to the deck. On the right side of the living room you can see an opening, which goes to the play room. It's all a big circle!
Here's a closer shot of the living room.
When you go upstairs, to the right you will find a bonus room. It's just extra open living space upstairs. Right now I think it will serve as another living room area. Eventually it may become more of an office/homework area for the boys.
To the right of the stairs is also the 3rd bedroom. For now we will be using it as our office. The orange color is not staying. Sorry to disappoint.
Here's a couple pictures of the master bedroom. It was hard to get one good picture that shows how big the room is. It's almost too big, if that's possible.
I told Scott I'm going to set up a chair or something in this corner, and it's going to be mommy's time out area. If I'm in that area, no one is allowed to talk to me. We'll see how that goes!
There are 2 more bedrooms upstairs, but the pictures didn't turn out very well. There is also a bathroom and a master bathroom. Our closing date for both houses is June 25th. It will be here before we know it! While I'm not loving all the work it is taking to pack up the house, I'm super excited to move on to the next chapter in our lives. New house and new baby. What an exciting year!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Baseball Game!

Last weekend, we took Dylan to his first baseball game of the year. He had a blast. He would clap and cheer every time someone else was clapping...regardless of what team they were routing for. He also entertained himself by running up and down a ramp (seriously, he must of run up and down it 50 times...good thing Scott was chasing him!) and pouring ice back and forth from cup to cup. Here is he concentrating on pouring the ice into another cup. It's the little things in life.

A family picture of us at the game.

Packing up the house

Well, it's official. We have to be out of the house on June 25th and the packing frenzy has begun. It's a lot of work, but it's exciting. We finally put a contract on a house too. We get to move in on the same day, June 25th. Sounds like a hectic (but super fun!) day! The inspection for the new house is on Wednesday, so I'll take some pictures then and post them. Here's a picture of Dylan helping us pack! He emptied out that cabinet for us and decided it would be a fun place to hide!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dylan's School Picture

Here is Dylan's Spring school pictures. He's my sweet Crayola monster! I don't know how they get him to pose for the camera. His feet are crossed and his hands are on his lap! He doesn't even smile for me half the time! I guess that's why I'm not a professional photographer.

Random Chicago Pic

Scott always gets mad when I buy these pics, but it's the only family picture we got in Chicago! You know how it is, I'm always holding the camera, so I'm never in the pictures! It's the exact same picture, but with different backgrounds. They had one of those blue screens that you stand in front of when we went to the aquarium.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the fabulous mothers out there! I had a great day! I got to lay around this morning with only a few interruptions. (Those boys just can't help themselves!) Then we headed to the zoo! After our daily adventure of house hunting, we ended the day with dinner at Scott's parents house. It was very relaxing. Here's a few pics of Dylan and I at the zoo! It's rare to get pictures of me and Dylan because I'm usually the one behind the camera! I think these turned out cute.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's a....

Normally you don't get to find out the gender of your baby until your closer to 20 weeks...I'm only 15. However, when your sister in law works in your doctor's office you get some special perks! We were able to sneak in yesterday and find out that we're having another boy! Of course they still say don't paint the room yet, we can promise 100% that it's a boy until he's born, but I'm pretty sure girls don't look like this! The ultrasound technician was pretty confident too! (Not like we could paint any walls yet anyways...we don't even know where we're going to be living!!!)
Profile shot.
This is a picture of his feet. You can see them in the upper left corner.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sunset Cruise

Our final destination on Saturday was a sunset cruise on Lake Michigan. It was a little cold, but it was beautiful. Here's Scott and I with the skyline behind us. Don't worry...I'm drinking 7-Up and pineapple juice!Random picture of skyline.Here's a couple of random pictures from the trip. This one is of Dylan while he was on a bus ride. He LOVED all the transportation. I don't think we passed a single bus or train without him yelling out that they were there. He had a great time.

The three boys in on the way home in the back of the mini-van. They must have had a great time!

High Tea

The main reason we went to Chicago was to help our friends, Molly and Gaz, celebrate their marriage. They've actually been married for almost a year now, and were just now having their big party. They wanted to give every one time to save some money and be able to make the trip to Chicago. Gaz's family came all the way from Europe! Here's the happy couple, Molly and Gaz.
Apparently Dylan had too much fun at the zoo. He passed out on the way to high tea, and this is how he spent most of his time there! I tried to make some sort of pillow or something for him. He looked so uncomfortable.He did finally wake up when we were getting ready to leave. But, he woke up in a good mood! That's always a HUGE plus! Here's Scott and Dylan at High Tea.

Lincoln Park Zoo

Saturday morning we headed to Lincoln Park Zoo. We didn't have a lot of time, so we didn't get to see the whole zoo, but what we saw was pretty neat. Definitely worth a visit if you're in Chicago...and it's free! Here's Dylan and Braden being monkeys by the monkey statues!

Here's Dylan in the children's zoo. They had a little 'bear cave' for the kids to walk through and view the bear. It's hard to tell, but that big brown lump is a sleeping bear.

Here's Dylan admiring the sea lion. It was neat to be able to see them swimming around in their pool.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Navy Pier

After nap time, we headed out to the Navy Pier. The boys got to play miniature golf and Dylan rode his very first carousel. Here's Dylan admiring the pier as we were walking towards it.

Owen and Dylan talking golf strategy...

Dylan's first ride on the carousel. At first he was a little nervous, but once it started moving around he thought it was a blast! We were on one of the horses that didn't go up and down...I'm not sure how he would have handled that!


We left Thursday night and headed to Chicago for a fun filled 3 day weekend! We started out early Friday morning and headed over to Shedd Aquarium. Dylan loved seeing all the fish...I did too! I took a ton of pictures, but they all turned out blurry. There was no flash photography inside the aquarium, and I'm horrible at keeping the camera steady for that half second it takes to take a picture with no flash. Here he is giving the fish a great big kiss! I think it's kind of gross that he's kissing the glass, but you choose your battles!

Here I finally got him to make fishy faces at the fish, instead of kissing the glass.

I didn't read the sign to see if this was a world record fish or anything, but it sure makes Dylan look little!

Here's Dylan and I right outside the aquarium in front of the skyline.