Look how proud he is to be a big brother! In truth, he has no clue what we're talking about when we say there is a baby in mommy's belly. He just starts playing the "Let's show everyone my belly" game. But it's true, we're expecting Baby Haarmann #2!!! My official due date is Oct. 26th!

Here's our first ultrasound. I think the baby looks like a teenage mutant ninja turtle! I've been calling the baby Donatello. I know, I'm a little crazy! Scott said this second baby is already taking most of my brain cells!

Use your imagination people! See where the right arrow is pointing? That's the nose of the teenage mutant ninja turtle. Right above the arrow is the scarf thing that went over their eyes!
Congratulations, Haarmann's!!!! We're so happy for you guys! Dylan, you'll be a great big brother!
The Adairs :)
Yeah Haarmanns! We are so happy for you all! Dylan, I love the shirt! It is awesome!
The Chambers
CONGRATULATIONS!!! We are so excited for you guys!
The Bailey's!
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