Sunday, March 29, 2009

Braden's 4th birthday!

Braden turns 4 tomorrow...Happy Birthday Braden! We went to his house tonight for birthday dinner. Braden's mom, Jennifer, had a surprise up her sleeve! She had arranged for a firetruck to stop by so the boys could get a quick tour. Here's the birthday boy driving the firetruck!

Dylan hadn't quite warmed up to everyone yet, and was being quite crabby when the firetruck arrived. Here's Dylan and Scott standing by some of the controls. Dylan definitely has a crabby face in this picture! It's extremely possible he was yelling "No!" at me!

Here's our family in front of the firetruck. The firemen were so nice and gave all the boys fireman hats. Dylan was excited about his hat...but still not too excited about the firetruck.

Big monkey cheered up for cake time! This child has a MAJOR sweet tooth. Just like his mom!

Owen and Dylan

Owen came over to play with us on Friday night. I just thought the boys looked cute shoving their faces with ice cream and cookies!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cute Story!

So, the other day I was washing the dishes and Dylan was watching Thomas the Train. I heard him come into the kitchen and open the fridge, but didn't think twice about it. He usually gets out a piece of cheese or something like that. I didn't even look back to check on what he was getting out of the fridge. (I know, bad mommy.) He went back to the living room, where I thought he was just eating his cheese. Then he came into the kitchen and took the minute rice box out of the pantry. Rice is one of his favorites. This sparked my curiosity, so I peeked in on him to see what he was doing. He had taken the A1 sauce out of the fridge, figured out how to open it an poured some on his plate. Then he poured the un-cooked minute rice into a bowl. He was dipping the un-cooked minute rice into the A-1 sauce and eating it. Totally normal. I should have gotten a picture, but I couldn't stop laughing!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sugar Hangover!

Ice Cream Sundaes and Poker Night

Scott had some guys over last night for a poker night. While the guys did their thing, Heidi, Olivia, Dylan and I headed over to the Wood's house to for the evening. We did make your own pizzas and make your own sundaes! It was all very yummy! Here's a picture of Maddie and Dylan getting ready to dig into the toppings. See that bowl of Oreo cookie crumbles right in front of Dylan? I think he ended up putting half the bowl on his ice cream!

Here they are chowing down on the finished products! Maddie's eating the delicious waffle cone bowl!

Who needs ice cream sundaes when there is a fabulous cabinet to play with??? Livvy loved getting out all the towels!

Apparently Dylan had too much sugar with all that ice cream! He was quite the party animal when we got home. I actually went to bed before he did. I think he finally came upstairs at 12:45! He slept in this morning though, which was great! Before I went to bed, I did peak in on him to make sure he was doing okay. He looked like such a serious poker player. He's is just like his daddy!

Are poker players allowed to say "Cheeeeeese!!!???"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dylan's so Proud!

Look how proud he is to be a big brother! In truth, he has no clue what we're talking about when we say there is a baby in mommy's belly. He just starts playing the "Let's show everyone my belly" game. But it's true, we're expecting Baby Haarmann #2!!! My official due date is Oct. 26th!

Here's our first ultrasound. I think the baby looks like a teenage mutant ninja turtle! I've been calling the baby Donatello. I know, I'm a little crazy! Scott said this second baby is already taking most of my brain cells!
Use your imagination people! See where the right arrow is pointing? That's the nose of the teenage mutant ninja turtle. Right above the arrow is the scarf thing that went over their eyes!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Noelle!

Happy 3rd Birthday Noelle! The weather was perfect for her birthday party. We were able to spend most of the evening outdoors and the boys were able to run around and use all the energy they saved up all Winter! Here is a picture of Noelle right before she blew out her candles. She looks just like her dad, Tim, in this picture. (You know, minus the bows and the dress!)

Here's Dylan and Scott taking advantage of the great weather and playing washers. Can you see the washer in mid air? That was one of Dylan's tosses! He actually made a couple in!

Dylan and Owen don't have very many stereotypical girl toys at home. They had a blast playing with Noelle's kitchen! Thanks for sharing Noelle, and for having such a great birthday party!