Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fort Worth Zoo

The next day we went to the Fort Worth Zoo. There was no comparison to the St. Louis Zoo, which is a million times better. And, the Forth Worth Zoo was $10 a person. But, it was really neat to see Dylan so excited to see the animals. And, we needed something to do with him to zap all his energy. We were driving to Austin during nap time! Oh, did I mention it was like 100 degrees out? It wasn't humid though, so it could have been worse. I sound like I'm complaining a lot, but I actually really enjoyed the zoo. There were pretty flowers and plants everywhere. And Dylan had a great time. I'm not sure that Kassi & Scott would agree though. :) Here's Dylan admiring the Meerkat Moles. He kept saying "Whoa!" He thought they were really neat. Here's Kassi, Scott & Dylan enjoying the elephants also! Check out Dylan's safari hat...I love it!

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