Saturday, June 28, 2008

Missouri Botanical Gardens

Dylan and I went to Missouri Botanical Gardens this morning. The weather was great...not too hot, not too humid. This summer they are featuring NIKI. There are (and I quote) "40 monumental mosaic sculptures made in a rainbow of colors and materials from fiberglass, stones, glass & mirrors." There is a skull that weighs more than a ton...I remember something about it on the news when they were bringing it to St. Louis for the exhibit. Something about it being too heavy to go over one of the bridges maybe? Anyhow, it's a very colorful display and I recommend going. It's free to get in before noon on Saturdays if you have 'proof' that you live in St. Louis County. They just asked for my zip code. They even have a little kid section for when Dylan gets a little older! Here's Dylan and I in front of the 'Nana on a dolphin' sculpture.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Grant's Farm

Jon, Heidi & Olivia joined us for a day at Grant's Farm! The weather was beautiful...until we got caught in a down pour! There was hail and everything. We survived though, and I think Dylan had a great time! He loved the train ride and petting the goats. Olivia liked the horses!

Mr. & Mrs Carson

Congrats to Jamie & Mike. They got married on Friday, June 20th!

Happy First Anniversary Ryan & Suzanne!

Hope you are having a great day on your cruise! Happy Anniversary!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Congrats Jeremy & Angi!

Angi and Jeremy got married on Flag Day, June 14th. Angi made a beautiful bride. I love this picture of her...she looks so happy!

Scott got a great picture of the new couple as they were walking down the aisle. Mr. & Mrs. Tucker. I'm so excited for them!

Minute Maid Park

Our last stop was Houston. Scott and I went to Minute Maid Park to see the Cardinals vs. the Astros. The Cards were a bit tired from their double header the day before and didn't quite play to their potential. (That's my polite way of saying the Astros won.) After the game, they opened the roof and we got to see a fireworks show!

Most of you already know, I really enjoy cheesy jokes etc. I loved the foul pole at Minute Maid Park. It's a Chick-Fil-A advertisement. It's hilarious.

The Beach!

Dylan's first trip to the beach! He hated the water, but who could blame him. The waves were half his height. I can see where that would be a little intimidating! Once he got used to the environment though, he loved playing in the sand! Here he is chillin' on the beach and then digging into the sand!
Kassi played photographer again for us and got a great shot of the family at the beach!

The Texas Aquarium

After a few days in Austin, we drove down to Corpus Christi. I was looking forward to seeing Dylan enjoy the aquarium. It was right on the Gulf which made it pretty neat. Dylan LOVED the dolphins. I think he could have watched them all day long. Here he is watching them swim by.

Here he is enjoying the sting ray pool. You're supposed to pet the sting rays, but Dylan was more interested in splashing the water!

Arkansas River & the Bats

We did venture out in Austin. We went downtown by the Arkansas River. There is a nice park there and we let Dylan run around for awhile. Here he is playing with Scott. Then Kassi was nice enough to take a family shot of us. Thanks Kassi!

We hung around until sunset and got some great pictures of the Congress Bridge. Every night around sunset, thousands of bats emerge from the Congress Bridge. I'm not kidding, it's on all the must see lists for Austin! Those little black dots are all bats. While, I don't want to ever see a bat up close, it was quite a sight to see all these bats come out of nowhere and fly away.

We made it to Austin!

We did a lot of relaxing while we were in Austin at my Grandma's house. We bought this little pool for Dylan to play in to help beat the heat. He loved it. Here's Scott & Dylan drying off. You can see all the trees in my Grandma's was very peaceful. We just relaxed in the backyard all day.

Fort Worth Zoo

The next day we went to the Fort Worth Zoo. There was no comparison to the St. Louis Zoo, which is a million times better. And, the Forth Worth Zoo was $10 a person. But, it was really neat to see Dylan so excited to see the animals. And, we needed something to do with him to zap all his energy. We were driving to Austin during nap time! Oh, did I mention it was like 100 degrees out? It wasn't humid though, so it could have been worse. I sound like I'm complaining a lot, but I actually really enjoyed the zoo. There were pretty flowers and plants everywhere. And Dylan had a great time. I'm not sure that Kassi & Scott would agree though. :) Here's Dylan admiring the Meerkat Moles. He kept saying "Whoa!" He thought they were really neat. Here's Kassi, Scott & Dylan enjoying the elephants also! Check out Dylan's safari hat...I love it!

Rangers Stadium

Once we got to Dallas, Scott and I attended a Rangers game. Our goal is to eventually hit every major league baseball stadium. It makes planning trips fun! The Rangers were playing the A's, but yes, we still wore our Cardinal gear!
My sister, Kassi, was on the trip with us. Here she is babysitting Dylan while we were at the game. Isn't it so sweet?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Oklahoma Trip

We stopped in Oklahoma City for a few hours on our way to Texas to burn some energy. We walked around the National Memorial, which is the site where the Oklahoma Bombings occurred. The pictures are of the gates of time (there were 2 gates, one said 9:01 & the other 9:03. The bombings occurred at 9:02. The gates frame the moment.) & the survivor tree. We also walked around the city for a little bit. There was a pretty river walk, and a neat fountain that we took pictures by.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Future Rock Star???

Dylan loved the boat!

Dylan loved riding on the boat! He's a natural driver too! Thanks Grandma & Papa for such a fun weekend!

Memorial Day Weekend

We went to the lake for Memorial Day Weekend. It was the first time that Dylan got to hang out with his cousin Olivia for a whole weekend. I'm sure there will be many more similar weekends...right Grandma & Papa??? Here they are in matching shirts...they say 'Fun to be Me.'

Here's Dylan's first boat ride. I think it is Olivia's first boat ride too. She's hiding on her mom's lap under the orange towel! It was a little chilly when the boat was moving!

It's Officially Official!

He passed! Ok, we already knew he passed, but here is one of the most expensive certificates ever! Yeah Scott!

The Computer is Fixed...sort of

Scott did something with the something, and now the computer is working. We lost everything we had on it, but luckily we had most of it backed up on a different hard drive. Yeah!