Saturday, September 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Scott!

I surprised Scott with a STL brewery tour (with 16+ of our closest friends!) for his birthday this year.  We had a lot of fun!  We did it through Brewery Tours of St. Louis, and I highly recommend it.  They have a party bus that takes you to 4 breweries in the area.  Scott's really into fancy beer, so it was a great way to try out different beers on his birthday!  It was an awesome night, and we're so thankful to have such amazing friends!  Here's the group at Alpha Brewery.
 Scott's parents, and his brother, Dave, were able to meet us out at a couple of the breweries.  Scott's mom brought the birthday hat, and Scott happily wore it - at least for the picture!
  Sept was able to sneak out and meet us for a few samples too!  Yay!

The boys had fun celebrating with Dad the next day!
  Happy Birthday Scott!

Sunday, September 14, 2014


 We had so much fun picking apples this year!  Dylan and Jackson get so into it, it makes me smile.
 I can't quite pick Dylan up to reach the high ones anymore, but he was content with the piggy back ride.  For a few minutes, anyways.  :)
 My boys.  :)
 I just can't get enough of this guy!  What an emotional age!
  We did a few of the games/rides after we picked our apples.  They had a cute, colorful train.  Although it doesn't quite look like it in this picture, the boys actually enjoyed the train almost put Trevor to sleep!
The had some mini golf too - Jackson was cracking me up, trying to get his ball into the hole!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day!

We had such a great weekend at the lake!  It was finally hot enough that even I wanted to go swimming!  I don't think Dylan got out of the water!  I had three tired fish on the way home!  Jackson tried all weekend to catch some fish, but they weren't really biting.  He finally caught a couple and was content.  Here he is with Buddy, waiting very patiently.
 Dylan asked me to take this picture!   
 Evelyn and Jackson were having fun on one of the floaty things we got out. 
 The boat rides always seem to put my littlest ones to sleep.  I love the cuddle time.
 Trevor loved swimming in the water! 
However, he did NOT love his first ride on the wave runner.  :(
His new favorite song is "Itsy Bitsy Spider"  He would start singing and then point to someone until they sang it with him.  He was so funny.  Who knew a 16 month old could have 6 grown adults singing "Itsy Bitsy!"
He was having a blast!
Trevor and Owen have grown so much over the summer.  They sit at the big kid table now!