Friday, January 10, 2014

Trevor is 9 months!

Bear with me, I have a lot of pictures here!  I can't believe Trevor is 9 months already!  He's growing so fast, especially lately, it seems.  He figured out how to clap all by himself (which he loves!) and he started crawling everywhere!  He did really well at his photo session this month, which is why there are so many pictures.  I can't resist the smiles or any of his other looks!  

  So sweet!
  Jackson went with us and wanted to get in on the picture action.

 We also took some pictures at home.  Some of these are hilarious!
 He's starting to look annoyed.
 He's trying so hard to get away.   Now that he's moving, he doesn't sit still for very long!
 Unless he's entertained with games like "Peek-A-Boo!"
 He looks so shocked!
  Here are some more looks of annoyance.  :)
Dylan wanted to be in a picture too!

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