Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dylan's month of Firsts!

My shy and timid little boy is growing up so fast!  He has surprised me so much this month with everything that he wants to do!  He's playing basketball for the first time and loves it!  For first and second grade, it is only an instructional clinic.  They take time to stop the scrimmage and explain to the kids the rules that apply etc.  The boys really seem to enjoy it, especially Dylan!  

 Dylan went ice skating for a b-day party.  I really thought he would just watch from the sidelines, but he got right in and skated the whole time!  He used a bucket and pushed it along to help him get used to the ice.  When he got home he wouldn't stop talking about how he wants to go back and skate without the bucket!
Today he had his first Pine Wood Derby.  He placed 1st in the first two heats, and 2nd in the third and final heat!  Overall he placed 5th!  Go Dylan!
It's kind of hard to see, but his car just won 1st!

My sweet babes

 They are so peaceful when they are asleep.  I can't stop staring at those amazing eye lashes!  Sweet Sweet Jackson.
This has been a daily sight lately with Trevor.  LOL.  Sweaty, spiky hair, a constant runny nose, and something always going into his mouth!
 Here are more spiky hair pics - this kids has some crazy hair!  (and it's irresistible to spike!)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Trevor is 9 months!

Bear with me, I have a lot of pictures here!  I can't believe Trevor is 9 months already!  He's growing so fast, especially lately, it seems.  He figured out how to clap all by himself (which he loves!) and he started crawling everywhere!  He did really well at his photo session this month, which is why there are so many pictures.  I can't resist the smiles or any of his other looks!  

  So sweet!
  Jackson went with us and wanted to get in on the picture action.

 We also took some pictures at home.  Some of these are hilarious!
 He's starting to look annoyed.
 He's trying so hard to get away.   Now that he's moving, he doesn't sit still for very long!
 Unless he's entertained with games like "Peek-A-Boo!"
 He looks so shocked!
  Here are some more looks of annoyance.  :)
Dylan wanted to be in a picture too!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


My bundles of joy all bundled up!
 Buddy looks so little and this isn't even a deep spot!
 Trevor and I staying warm!
 Dylan is taller than the mailbox!
I tried to take an action shot, but it's hard to see the snow falling!

Friday, January 3, 2014


Dylan's boy scout troop had an outing at the S.W.A.T. team facility.  We toured the helicopter hanger and learned all about helicopters.  All the boys were very attentive and had tons of questions!  Then they got to go in a S.W.A.T. truck.  They thought it was so neat!  Here's Dylan and Jackson outside of the truck.  
 Everyone listening so well.
 Troop 777 in front of a helicopter!
 We also got to watch a helicopter take off and fly away.  Dylan said this was the best part!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

We had a great celebration for New Years Eve!  Lots of food & fabulous friends.  Cheers to 2014!