Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Zoo!

I wanted to do something special for my soon to be kindergartner, so I picked Dylan and Jackson up early from school on Wednesday and took them to the zoo!  We had beautiful weather and Mama was able to join us, so we had a blast!
 Here is Tammy and Dylan.  They look like they are actually communicating.  There is high fives and smiles all around! 
 Jackson and King Louie.  Man he is huge!  His face was the size of Jackson!
 Choo Choo!
 The new seal exhibit was pretty cool.  You walk through the tunnel to see the seals swimming around. 
Jackson's favorite animal by far were the penguins.  He was so excited to see them.  We watched them swim, touched a flipper and caught a penguin feeding!  I think both boys would have stayed at the penguin exhibit all day if we had let them!

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