Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dylan is in Kindergarten!

 K is for Kindergarten!  You are looking at one excited little boy!  He was so happy to FINALLY be starting Kindergarten!

Dylan and his best friend, Grant.  They aren't in the same class, which is a bummer, but they still get to do lunch and recess together.  :)
 Brothers gotta hug!

 He was so nervous when they were getting ready to walk in.  Right before I took this picture he ran to me, gave me a great big hug and said "I love you all the time Mom."  Then he got right back in line, put his brave face on and went in with his class.  That's when I started to get a little shaky.
 There he goes...I can feel the tears...
Then once he was in the school, I looked back at Grant's mom, who was crying, and I almost lost it.  THEN my sweet Jackson started crying.  That's when I finally lost it.  All this time I'd been so worried about Dylan.  I forgot it was a big change for Jackson too.  Dylan will no longer be at the same school as him.  He cried the whole way to daycare, calling for DD the whole time.  (that's what he calls Dylan.)  He just loves his big brother.   We all survived and Friday's drop off went much more smoothly.  I am so proud of both of my brave boys!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Zoo!

I wanted to do something special for my soon to be kindergartner, so I picked Dylan and Jackson up early from school on Wednesday and took them to the zoo!  We had beautiful weather and Mama was able to join us, so we had a blast!
 Here is Tammy and Dylan.  They look like they are actually communicating.  There is high fives and smiles all around! 
 Jackson and King Louie.  Man he is huge!  His face was the size of Jackson!
 Choo Choo!
 The new seal exhibit was pretty cool.  You walk through the tunnel to see the seals swimming around. 
Jackson's favorite animal by far were the penguins.  He was so excited to see them.  We watched them swim, touched a flipper and caught a penguin feeding!  I think both boys would have stayed at the penguin exhibit all day if we had let them!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Chinese Lantern Festival

I've been so excited to see the Chinese lanterns at night.  We had a great time with the Blair family, not only seeing the lanterns, but watching the boys interacting with each other!  Dylan and Grant have been in school together since they were babies.  It's so fun to watch these Best Buds grow up together!
Jackson loves him some Grant!  Jackson new thing is to give kisses to everyone...including Grant!  I'm going to get it on camera one of these days.  Jackson does the whole grab his face and plant one on Grant!  It's the cutest thing ever, and Grant is so tolerant of it.  He rolls his eyes every time, but he still let's Jackson do it.  :)  Both my boys are so lucky to have such a great friend.  

Running through the maze, trying to keep up with the older boys.  Jackson took 2 naps the next day!  They sure wore him out!
Here's an up close shot of a dragon tail.  The dragon was made out of dishes.  Seriously!  Plates!
 We were able to catch the acrobat show too.  The acrobats are crazy strong and talented.  

 Dylan and Grant in front of the pirate ship, made of water bottles. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jackson 2 1/2 ish...

This summer sure got away from us!  Here is Jackson 2 1/2 year pictures.  (So, they might have been closer to 2 3/4, but who's counting???)  I just love this boy!

Meeting Sweet Madelein!

We had a fun weekend visiting our friends, Angie and Garrett, in Indiana and meeting their new baby girl, Madelein!  Dylan LOVED the baby and loved holding her.  He was so proud of himself for giving her a binki when she cried.  He is the sweetest thing ever!  We took some time on Saturday to go bouncing.  The boys enjoyed that, and I enjoyed using up some of their energy!  They are such crazy and fearless boys!

  Jackson pretending he is a baby.

 I Love this picture.  He was so sweet and worried about her the whole time he was holding her.  He kept saying "Her's so teeny tiny, Mom."  Love it.