Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lake with Pfeuffer's!

We were so excited to have the Pfeuffer family join us at the lake for a weekend.  It was fun to watch Layton and Braden experience a lot of firsts.  First boat ride, first time fishing and more!  All the boys (and the adults!) were exhausted by the end of the weekend!  Here's cowboy Jackson enjoying breakfast. 
 Dylan swimming all by noodles!  He was so proud of himself, as he should be!
 Check out Jackson and Layton swimming together! 
Jackson relaxin'.  This is the life. 
 Jake and Braden!
 Meg and Layton!
 Meg and all the boys on a boat ride.
 Meg and her boys.
 Pfeuffer Family 
 Jackson reeled the fish in all by himself.  He was one proud little boy!

Latyon was proud of his fish too!
All the boys eating apples and winding down after a long hard day of fun!

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