Friday, May 25, 2012


Dylan's a preschool graduate!  All week they were getting ready for the big graduation day.  The theme was Hollywood.  Here is Dylan with his teacher, Ms. Nikki.
 When we first got there, someone was a little crabby.  I'm not naming names...but one kid doesn't look happy.  Dylan's friend Jacob is all smiles!
 Dylan and Grant.
Dylan and Bryson.
Now he's warming up.  Mr. Hollywood.
 Jackson and Mama waving to Dylan as he was walking to his seat.
Dylan walking up to receive his award.  He was recognized for the longest goodbye in the morning.  Yes, we do 21 hugs and kisses and we drive around the parking lot 2 times, waving to him as we pass the classroom window.  It may be long, but it works.  And (I keep telling myself) it gets him to practice counting to 21!  I'm not really sure how we got to that routine though.
 Every kid came up to the front after they received their award to say a quick thanks.  Dylan said "Thanks Mom and Dad!"  He was so nervous and cute!
 The obligatory pictures.  Dylan with Mama and Papa.
 With Mimi and Gpa.
and with Mom and Dad.  (Jackson wasn't cooperating for a family picture.)

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