Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

The boys were so fun this year! We had a lot of Halloween fun. It started with a party at the Brueckmann's. It was great to see all the kids dressed up!
Next up was Trunk or Treating at St. Paul's with the Warfel's. Events like this remind me how different the boys are. When Dylan was 2, he wasn't very excited about trick or treating. Jackson figured it out in no time, and LOVED it!
We went to Mama and Papa's to visit. Again, the kids had fun showing off their costumes! Ariel, Spiderman, Rapunzel and Green Lantern!
Did you know Ariel and Spiderman were dating????
Kassi came over to help us carve pumpkins this year. Dylan was very excited about carving his own pumpkin. He didn't have any design, but really enjoyed using that carving knife.
It's definitely an original!Jackson had no interest in the pumpkins at all. So, I tricked him for a picture! I put his baseball in the pumpkin. It looks like he's getting goop out of the pumpkin, but really, he's just going for the baseball.
Trick or treating!
Just like last year, Dylan had more fun handing the candy out. He was so excited when he saw kids turn into our driveway!
Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!

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