Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dylan's pumpkin plant

So, back in June or July Dylan came home from school with a little plant in a Dixie cup. I thought it was a great learning opportunity. We watered it and watched it out grow the Dixie cup, and then my small pot. The teacher said it was a pumpkin plant, so we decided to plant it outside. This is what it looks like now! Holy Cow! I told the teacher about it last week and that we have 2 gourds on it now (so not a pumpkin plant!). She kind of laughed at me and said I was the only parent that actually planted it. Lesson learned: Be weary of little plants that come home in Dixie cups! You never know what they will grow to! Dylan is having a blast with it though and likes to show everyone who comes over his pumpkin plant! (He doesn't care that they aren't pumpkins!)
So excited about his new 'pumpkin'!It got bigger!
Here's a second one. And check out those leaves!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Cameron!

Sweet little Cameron turned two! We enjoyed helping her celebrate her birthday at My Gym. It's a cute little gym just for kids. The biggest hit in the gym was the ball pit. It was hard to pry the boys out of there! Here's the birthday girl!
Cannonball!Where's Dylan?
Jackson was a little nervous with all the big kids around, but he eventually got into it and was swimming in the balls like the rest of them!
Bubble time! I love Dylan's shirt. He insisted on wearing his spider man shirt, even though it's too little for him. (I confess, I went out and bought a new spider man shirt after I saw this picture! I knew it was small on him, but this is ridiculous! HA!)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Balloon Glow!

We headed out to the balloon glow and met up with our friends, The Reeds. The boys and I got there early and had a little picnic. Then once the balloons started glowing we all walked up towards them to check them out. Unfortunately it was too windy, and the balloons didn't stay up very long. They were falling over onto everyone. Luckily everyone made it out safe!
My friend Shawna, her son Henry and I.
The Haarmann family. Dylan was tired of taking pictures.
The gives a great perspective to how big the balloons actually are!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Grants Farm!

We spent a couple hours at Grant's Farm with the Wood's and the Brueckmann's today. Jackson was really brave and enjoyed hanging out with the goats! It helped that the goats weren't as crazy as normal. Either that or we just found a good group of them! Maybe Jackson is a goat whisperer. Dylan however, was a little more timid around the animals. It's fun to see how different the two boys are!
See, he's so calm with the goats! Maybe he'll be a vet!
The boys and I on the train ride.
Dylan feeding a camel.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Exciting Day!

My new rug arrived! That started the evening off great. I'm so excited about it! It took me 2 years to find something I liked!
PG ALERT! So then after dinner I was trying to get the boys to take a bath and Dylan said to me, "Mom, I'm not taking a bath, I'm taking a shower!" I'm all for it! He told me it was just like the sprinklers at Water Play Day at school. What a smart boy! He had so much fun with the shower. He was playing with the temperatures, and was so proud to be using mommy and daddy's soap!

I'm helping Dylan in the shower and I turn around to find Jackson sitting on the potty! He's been sitting on the potty at school, but we haven't been forcing anything at home. He did this by himself!
I've had such a crabby week, but tonight turned it all around. And now I'm looking forward to a three day weekend! Woo Hoo!