Saturday, April 23, 2011

Annual dinner and egg dying

We had all the Haarmann's over on Good Friday for dinner and egg dying. The kids always have so much fun with it. This year I decided to do a few crafts with our desserts too. (My attempt at being Martha Stewart.) I think they turned out cute. The silverware is supposed to look like carrots. The pudding cups were a nest and a basket. And I made a rice krispie treat nest. :)
Dylan showing me his nest. He said he would only smile for ONE picture. Olivia's nest.
Evelyn did not like dye on her hands at all.
Jackson had so much fun dying eggs. I thought he was too little to care, but he proved me wrong. Just more proof that they grow up so fast.
If the tongue is sticking out, you know there is some serious concentration going on.
Kathy and Terry with all their grandkids.
Tired girls.

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