Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Fun!

I can't believe that Christmas is already over. I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday. The boys really enjoyed themselves this season. Dylan was especially into it. We were lucky to have Mama, Papa, Mimi and G-Pa all attend the boys school program this year. It was so cute! We made cookies with Aunt Kassi, decorated our tree, and made a gingerbread choo choo train. We've been busy! Here Dylan was concentrating very hard when we were putting the tree together!
Jackson and Dylan putting ornaments on the tree.
Dylan adding eggs to the cookie dough. Aunt Kassi helping Dylan stir.
Jackson with his class for his performance. The babies just sit around and listen to the music. Jackson is in between the boy with the blue shirt and the little girl in the white shirt with reindeer antlers on. :)Dylan waiting very patiently with his class to go on stage. Singing into the microphone. I think this was right before they got in a fight over the microphone. They were singing Frosty the Snowman, and it was Dylan's job to hold up the sun that melts Frosty. He took it very seriously. ;)

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