Friday, December 31, 2010

Thank you everyone!

I was so glad we had the day after Christmas off to relax. It gave the boys a chance to really play with all their new goodies. They were spoiled this year!
It was an exhausting, but fun weekend for everyone. Dylan fell asleep while he was playing with his toys, and Jackson fell asleep in his high chair. Too sweet.

Christmas Snow!

Dylan was so excited to see that it was snowing when he woke up on Christmas Eve. Not only was it Christmas Eve and Santa was coming that night, but now it was snowing??? He was in little boy heaven! Scott and Dylan went outside to shovel the driveway. Dylan was really into helping them. When they were done they had a snowball fight, and then decided to play snow ball baseball! Dylan was so sad when he had to come inside.
After all the Christmas festivities were over, Dylan wanted to play outside again. This time we bundled Jackson up too, for his first snow fun! He wasn't too sure about it though, and wouldn't let go of Scott. He had much more fun when he was inside, watching Scott and Dylan play. He's just like his mommy. :)
Talking to the guys through the window.I LOVE this picture. Even though you can't see Jackson's face, you can tell from his profile that he's laughing. Look at that cheek! And, I think I see a dimple! They both look so happy. :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Morning

Dylan was so excited on Christmas morning. He could not believe that Santa came, and was so impressed that Santa ate the cookies and the reindeer ate the carrots! It was so cute! The boys must have been good this year because Santa brought them a lot of toys. Dylan got a new bike, and Jackson got a new shopping cart! Here's what we woke up to Christmas morning.
The boys are already fighting over Jackson's new phone. We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve

We had a blast on Christmas Eve. We started off at Mama and Papa's house to exchange gifts there. Dylan was having so much fun opening his gifts and helping everyone open their gifts! He worked very hard on practicing patience and taking turns. :) Here he is so excited to get a Lightning McQueen watch!
Jackson sliding down his new slide. Look at that belly!
Olivia is excited about the gift!All the Haarmann grand kids. I love the way Dylan has his arm around his brother. He's so sweet.
All the kids with Papa. :)
After all the presents were opened, we headed over to the big Haarmann Christmas Eve. Scott comes from a huge extended family, and it's such a great tradition to see everyone on Christmas Eve. I love that the boys will grow up with that tradition. :) Here's Evelyn telling everyone to hurry up and get that doll out of the package! She was so excited for the doll!
Apparently Jackson really likes his rice krispie treats!Me and my boys.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Fun!

I can't believe that Christmas is already over. I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday. The boys really enjoyed themselves this season. Dylan was especially into it. We were lucky to have Mama, Papa, Mimi and G-Pa all attend the boys school program this year. It was so cute! We made cookies with Aunt Kassi, decorated our tree, and made a gingerbread choo choo train. We've been busy! Here Dylan was concentrating very hard when we were putting the tree together!
Jackson and Dylan putting ornaments on the tree.
Dylan adding eggs to the cookie dough. Aunt Kassi helping Dylan stir.
Jackson with his class for his performance. The babies just sit around and listen to the music. Jackson is in between the boy with the blue shirt and the little girl in the white shirt with reindeer antlers on. :)Dylan waiting very patiently with his class to go on stage. Singing into the microphone. I think this was right before they got in a fight over the microphone. They were singing Frosty the Snowman, and it was Dylan's job to hold up the sun that melts Frosty. He took it very seriously. ;)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

School Pictures Fall 2010

The boys got their school pictures taken a few weeks ago. They turned out so cute! I love htat they do individual pictures, as well as both of them together. So cute!