Friday, November 19, 2010


The boys had a great time on Halloween. Dylan dressed up as Buzz and Jackson was a monkey! We started the festivities off by going over to Mama and Papa's house for a little while. Snow White and Belle were there too! It was next to impossible to get the 4 kids to sit down for a picture, but we sure tried. I think this is as good as it got. Maybe next year!
I like Dylan's expression in this one. It looks like he's thinking, "Mom, she's not going to sit here, can we just go already?"
AAAANNNDDD they're off. Snow White and a monkey...Buzz and Belle.
Dylan really got into trick or treating this year. It was so fun to watch him! There were a couple houses that had some scary decorations though, and he told me we couldn't go to those houses because they weren't home. LOL He had the best time handing the candy out to everyone. The whole time we were trick or treating he kept saying "Are they going to our house???" So, after trick or treating we went back home to see how Dad and Uncle David were doing with handing out the candy. They were happy to let Dylan take over. :) Dylan sat at the door and waited for trick or treaters. He kept getting up to go check out the street to see if someone was coming. He had so much fun with it. Jackson was clapping for everyone too! Here they are patiently waiting for another trick or treater!Obviously mommy knew we were getting our picture taken, but no one else seemed to know, or maybe they just didn't care!We hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween!

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