Sunday, September 26, 2010

HUGE night at the Haarmann House!

So, Dylan has been a horrible sleeper since he was born. Well, he sleeps really well, as long as mommy is right there with him. Awhile ago, we decided to try to bribe him to stay in his bed all night by himself, like a big boy. We took him to the store and he got to pick out whatever toy he wanted. He chose Woody. We put Woody on his dresser so he could see him every time he went in his room. The first night after we bought Woody, while we were getting ready for bed and talking about how he was going to stay in his bed all night like a big boy, Dylan informed me that I should just take Woody back to the store. (Seriously, when did he get so smart???) He wasn't looking forward to sleeping in his own bed by himself. So, we talked about it for a few more weeks and decided to give it another go. We told him that if he slept in his bed for 2 weeks all by himself that he would get Woody. Last night was the 14th night that he slept in his bed! Yay! Every morning we put a sticker on our chart to help him keep track of how many nights were left. Here's his chart with 14 stickers on it! Yay!
And here he is getting ready to watch Toy Story with Buzz AND Woody! He was so excited!
Now comes the hard part...sleeping in his bed all night, by himself, with no bribes. Wish us luck! LOL!

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