Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Every year we go to some apartments near by and watch the Fenton Delmar Garden's firework display with the Warfels. It's fun to catch some fireworks a little early and get into the spirit of the holiday. :) Dylan thought the fireworks were a little loud, but I taught him to 'Oooo' and 'Aaahhh' real loud so the fireworks didn't seem as loud. It seemed to work a little bit. He was still very anxious and wanted to go sit in the car.
Waiting around for the fireworks to start.
The Warfel boys.Covering his ears b/c it's too loud.Jackson was in awe of the firework display.

Bath Time!

Just a cute pic of the boys in the bath together.

Lake weekend!

We had another fun weekend at the lake! Our friends, the Brueckmanns and the Woods joined us. I think it was dubbed Haarwoodmann weekend! :) The weather was a little hot, but the water was perfect. The kids had a blast! Here's Ryan and Wade, who is only 3 months old. (Ryan, Goal scored!)
Scott and Dylan swimming in the lake. Dylan was a little reluctant to get in at first, but once he was in he had a great time. He really enjoyed playing frisbee in the water.Dylan and Maddie being silly while we were waiting for the sunset. Jackson hanging out on the dock.3 big kids in a baby pool! Wes, Dylan and Maddie all squeezed into the baby pool!


For Father's Day we went over to Kathy and Terry's house for dinner and some (very hot!) soccer fun! Dylan impressed me with his soccer skills. He took a class at his school for soccer and it looks like he actually learned something! I assumed that a class for a bunch of 3 year olds would consist of a lot of running around, using up their energy. Dylan was dribbling the ball though, so they must have managed to get 3 year olds to do drills and practice some soccer skills. Very impressive. Here he is dribbling the ball. Livy is taking a little break on the hill. :)
Keeping it away from Livy.
Livy the goalie.
Uncle Dave got in on the action too!
Jon and David playing keep away from the kids. Dylan and Livy thought it was hilarious!Hope everyone had a Happy Father's Day!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Jackson is 8 months!

I cannot believe Jackson is already 8 months old. My little man has 4 teeth now, and has master the army scoot. He's the happiest baby. He's growing up so fast! Just for fun I posted a picture of Dylan at 8 months as well (in the orange shirt). They look SO much alike.

Congrats Mike and Angie!

We enjoyed helping Mike and Angie celebrate their wedding a couple of weekends ago. It was a beautiful ceremony and a fabulous reception! Angie was a beautiful bride, of course. Congrats Mike and Angie! Between Heidi and I we took about 240 pictures. I'll spare you and only post some of my favorites. :)
The bride and groom hanging out.
Happy Groom!Gracie looking relieved after she found her speech!
I'm not sure Mike liked the traditional Haarmann duck fart shot. Yes that's right. Mom's can have fun too. ;)Stealing, er, uh, borrowing coffee beans. Kathy and Terry dancing and laughing. Just having a good time. ;)
Laurie and Anna.South County Haarmann's represent.This picture kind of reminds me of a picture I have from my wedding, of David at the end of the night...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Father's Day and Happy Birthday!

On Sunday we headed over to my Dad and Marie's house to celebrate an early Father's Day, and Ryan and Marie's b-days! They had 2 pools on the porch that Mark and Dylan had a blast playing in. They just kept running back and forth, jumping into each pool!
Dylan and Mark, jumping in the pool. It looked like it hurt, but they sure didn't seem to mind. Mimi and Alexis catching some sun.Sara and Cameron coming to watch those crazy boys in the pool. Yes Cameron, all boys are this crazy!Alexis, Mark and Dylan helping to blow out all those candles!
Dylan and Mark chowing down on cake.
Mimi's helpers. :)Emily and Drew just hanging out.G-Pa and Jackson. Don't they both look so thrilled? I must have caught them off guard. :)

Happy Graduation Anna!

This weekend we went to Anna's graduation party at Truman Park. They had a pinata, and the kids loved it! Dylan and Livy both got to take a turn! They did so good. Brave Livy went first!
I was worried that Dylan was going to be too shy to take a turn, but I think after watching Livy go, he was ready for his turn!He had so much fun watching everyone take their turns. He thought it was hilarious.
Livy and Dylan were helping Aunt Laurie move the pinata up and down so the big kids would miss it! Must have been hard work...check out that tongue!Graduation girl getting her turn. Go Anna.And the best part...gathering the candy!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Memorial Weekend

We headed to the lake again for Memorial weekend. The weather was perfect! We got to spend most of the weekend outside! Jackson had his first boat ride, and both the boys enjoyed swimming in the pool on the dock. Dylan's favorite activities were feeding the ducks, fishing (really he just wanted to cast it out and reel it back in) and going on the boat (which is funny b/c he always fell asleep!) Here's Dylan helping Mama and Papa drive the boat.
And then he fell asleep...Jackson, looking miserable in his life jacket, sleeping through the boat ride.
Dylan and I putting our feet in the water. Dylan's legs are almost as white as the boat!
Dylan wanted to ride the jet ski, and didn't think it was too bad at first, when they were going slow. Once Scott sped up though, Dylan quickly decided he didn't like it and they came right back to the dock. Here he is waving...before he decided he didn't like it.
Jackson swimming in his pool on the dock. The lake water was a little too cold to go swimming in, although Scott and a few others managed to get in. Dylan did try to get in, but it was way too cold and he wanted out right away!My naked duck feeder! He was swimming with Jackson in the pool, (we took their swimming suits and diapers off. We figured we didn't need to bother with the swim diapers since it was just our little inflatable pool) but when he saw the ducks he wanted to feed them. There was no wasting time trying to get a diaper on him!Ah, the pretty view of the sunset.
Hanging out on the deck after dinner.Scott was using Dylan's kiddy Lightning McQueen fishing pole all weekend. He caught this catfish with it. The fish is almost as big as the pole!