Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cute Pics

The past couple of weeks have been fairly relaxing for us. Well, with the 2 boys maybe relaxing isn't the right word! It's been a little more calm anyways. Dylan is really into follow the leader right now, which mostly consists of running around in circles and throwing in an occasional jump, hop or somersault. He is very good at taking turns though, so when I'm the leader we like to practice the bear walk, the crab walk, galloping and skipping. Jackson's had an exciting couple of weeks too. He can roll over now from his back to his tummy, and he started laughing. I love the baby belly laugh! Here's just a few random pictures of the boys. Dylan was so excited it was finally warm enough to play outside. I think we were all glad to get out of the house! Nothing like chill-axing outside in the excersaucer, blowing some bubbles. What a life!
Dylan putting on his deodorant! LOL!
Dylan INSISTED on putting these pajamas on. They were way to little, but he was so proud. He kept saying "See Mommy? They fit!"
My boys enjoying tummy time!
Just relaxing! Dylan LOVES being a big brother. He'll say to me "I see him Mommy." Which means he wants me to lower Jackson (when I'm carrying him.) so that he can give Jackson kisses and hugs. He's so sweet. He's always asking to hold Baby Gackon too! I am such a lucky mommy to have 2 fabulous boys!

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