Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Enjoying the Evening
We're loving this weather. Dylan is so excited to play football, soccer and ride his bikes when we get home. Here he is making his new smiley face. Well, the smile isn't always crooked like this, but he's been scrunching his nose up lately! I think it's hilarious.
Here's Jackson laughing at Dylan. Dylan was helping me take pictures by trying to get Jackson's attention.

Here's Jackson being tickled by Scott! I love the sound of babies laughing. It's so sweet!
He found his feet!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Phew! What a day!
We had a busy day yesterday, but loved every minute of it! We started out with an Easter egg hunt at Riverchase. (which is the activity center for Fenton.) Every other year they have held most of the event inside. We would run outside for about 15 minutes to find some eggs and then go back inside for crafts and popcorn. This year they decided to have the whole event outside and it was chilly! Dylan had fun hunting for his eggs though. He would only get the green eggs for some reason! 
After the egg hunt, we split up. I headed to a baby shower while the boys headed to Layton's 1st b-day party. I thought the party started at 12, but it really started at 1. Sorry I sent the boys over early Meg! Scott said they had some really good cupcakes there. Dylan sure seemed excited to have one!
Here's the birthday boy, Layton, tasting the icing from his cupcake!
Jackson and Mallory becoming quick friends.
Happy 1st b-day Layton!
Finally, we met back up at Riverchase to help Braden celebrate his 5th birthday with a swimming party! Dylan has been so excited about the swimming pool since we received the invitation. I wasn't sure how he would do. Last summer he was still very timid around the pool and didn't want to get all the way in. Yesterday he wouldn't get out and kept wanting us to take him to the deep end! Jackson wasn't so excited about swimming though. He was much more content on the sidelines!
Swimming pool cheese!
The birthday boy. Braden was very serious about the steering wheel. Thanks for inviting us to your party Braden...we had a blast!
Zonked out! What a fun day!
Finally, we met back up at Riverchase to help Braden celebrate his 5th birthday with a swimming party! Dylan has been so excited about the swimming pool since we received the invitation. I wasn't sure how he would do. Last summer he was still very timid around the pool and didn't want to get all the way in. Yesterday he wouldn't get out and kept wanting us to take him to the deep end! Jackson wasn't so excited about swimming though. He was much more content on the sidelines!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Dylan 3 year and Jackson 5 Month Pictures
Happy 4th B-day Noelle!
We loved helping Noelle celebrate her 4th birthday at Jump 4 Fun today. We spent lots of time bouncing, sliding down slides, and running through obstacle courses. When we were done, we had some yummy cupcakes! Here's one of the many pics of Dylan on a slide.
Even Wick went down the slide!
Jackson and I getting in on the bouncing fun!
The birthday girl and her birthday girl smile!
Braden and Dylan being so cute!
Thanks for inviting us to your party Noelle! We had a great time! Happy 4th Birthday!
Brueckmann Diaper Keg
We were so excited to help our friends Ryan and Suzanne celebrate their soon to be baby! We can't wait to meet him! Here's a picture of Dylan learning the fundamentals of a keg. He enjoyed helping everyone get their drinks!
Which could have consequently led to being locked up like this! (Really this is just a dog kennel for the Brueckmann's dog, Annie. Layton and Dylan had a fun time climbing in and out of the cage!
I just thought this picture was hilarious. Apparently Dada is pretty funny!
The happy expecting couple! Thanks for having such a fun party!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Cute Pics
The past couple of weeks have been fairly relaxing for us. Well, with the 2 boys maybe relaxing isn't the right word! It's been a little more calm anyways. Dylan is really into follow the leader right now, which mostly consists of running around in circles and throwing in an occasional jump, hop or somersault. He is very good at taking turns though, so when I'm the leader we like to practice the bear walk, the crab walk, galloping and skipping. Jackson's had an exciting couple of weeks too. He can roll over now from his back to his tummy, and he started laughing. I love the baby belly laugh! Here's just a few random pictures of the boys. Dylan was so excited it was finally warm enough to play outside. I think we were all glad to get out of the house!
Nothing like chill-axing outside in the excersaucer, blowing some bubbles. What a life!
Dylan putting on his deodorant! LOL!
Dylan INSISTED on putting these pajamas on. They were way to little, but he was so proud. He kept saying "See Mommy? They fit!"
My boys enjoying tummy time!
Just relaxing!
Dylan LOVES being a big brother. He'll say to me "I see him Mommy." Which means he wants me to lower Jackson (when I'm carrying him.) so that he can give Jackson kisses and hugs. He's so sweet. He's always asking to hold Baby Gackon too! I am such a lucky mommy to have 2 fabulous boys!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Always the helper!
Rice Cereal!!!
It was a big day at the Haarmann house last weekend! Jackson tried rice cereal for the first time! I'm not really sure if he actually swallowed any of it, but at least he got to taste it!
Hmmm, maybe it's not so bad...
On second though, Yuck!
Dylan likes to help with everything. He was helping feed Jackson...
And helping take pictures of Jackson!
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