Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy Friday!

This is just a cute video I took last week of Dylan and Buddy. Dylan likes to watch the cars drive by our house. This particular day, he was loving on Buddy at the same time. Not sure Buddy liked it, but he tolerated it. Kind of. Dylan is saying cheese because he thought I was taking a picture.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's a Carnival!!!

Both Maddie & Wesley Wood have their b-days in January, so they had one big carnival themed b-day party! There were lots of games for the kids to play. Dylan enjoyed the face painting (I can't believe he actually sat still!), the duck in the pond game, the throw the ball into the bucket game and much more! (like my technical names for them???!!!) Towards the end they even had a balloon guy come and make balloon animals for them. Dylan got Spider man.

Sitting still for face painting.
Here he is getting ready to throw the ball into the bucket. Looks like it was a powerful toss!
Here he is waiting very patiently for his Spider man balloon to be completed, while stuffing his face with popcorn!
Maddie was the birthday girl, so she got the birthday balloon get up! She was a butterfly!
Dylan and Maddie at the end of the night...still on their sugar high from all the carnival food!
Dylan and the birthday boy, Wesley at the end of the night. Both of their faces seem to say "Who me???!!!"

Olivia's 1st Birthday Party!

I cannot believe it has already been a year, but Olivia will be one this week! We helped her celebrate yesterday at her b-day party. She was a little timid with her cake at first, but eventually decided it was pretty good!
Here she is digging into her presents! She was interested for like a minute, and then decided to go play with Dylan!
Here's Dylan looking a little suspicious by the beer coolers! I wasn't worried though because I know his new obsession is eating ice and that's all he was after!

Chuck E Cheese!

Dylan, Olivia, Heidi and I went to Chuck E Cheese last week. Dylan had a blast! He was running around like a mad man! I think his favorite game was the skee ball. He couldn't quite grasp the concept of rolling the ball though...he was throwing it!

His second favorite game was putting the coins into their slots. Who knew!!!???

Here he is teaching Olivia how to do the toddler bowling game!

And here they are watching Dylan throw a strike!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Disney on Ice!

My sister got us some tickets for Disney on Ice from her work. (Thanks Kassi!) We had 3 tickets, and if you are under 2 you get in for free. So, my friend Jen and her 2 boys (Braden, 3 & Owen, 1) joined Dylan and I. We ended up being in the 5th row, which was fabulous. Dylan really enjoyed seeing Mickey Mouse. He doesn't really watch movies yet, so he didn't really know the other characters. They did parts from Little Mermaid, Lion King, Cars & Tinkerbell. He loves cars in general though, so he was excited to see some cars out there. And, there were a lot of bubbles during Little Mermaid, which he thought was so neat. Overall he really enjoyed it. He was dancing to the music and seemed really intrigued by the show. Here is Jen, Braden & Owen anxiously waiting for the show to begin.

Here's Owen by the end of the show. I can't believe he fell was so loud!
Here's Dylan and Braden being so patient during intermission. (Okay, I was bribing them with Ho Ho's!)
This is just a couple of fun pics of Lightning McQueen and Mickey Mouse.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bounce U

Yesterday Dylan, PaPa and I went to Bounce U for the open bounce. Dylan was a little nervous at first, but once he figured out it didn't hurt when he fell, he was all for it! And he LOVED the slide...we must have gone down it 20 times. At first the lady that worked there told us he had to go on our lap, but eventually he was going by himself...he loved it. Now, if only he could climb up the ladder to get to the top of his slide by himself...that was quite a work out! Here's Dylan playing ball in the bounce house.
Dylan and PaPa riding down the slide!
Dylan riding down the slide all by himself!
Dylan in the obstacle course.
PaPa in the obstacle course. I'm not sure who had more fun...Dylan or PaPa!!!???

The Car Cart

We went to Dierbergs the other day and he saw the car cart. I've tried to get him to ride in the car before with no luck, but this time, he was drawn to it like a magnet. He was steering the whole time! Isn't it amazing how easy grocery shopping is when he is entertained and I don't have to chase him up and down every single aisle???!!! The car cart was fabulous! I felt a little silly taking pictures at the grocery store...but I just couldn't resist! He's into saying "Cheese" now when I take his picture. I think these pictures are adorable.

Chick Fil-A

Last week, while Scott was off, we took Dylan to the indoor playground at Chick Fil-A. He loved the slide!

Here's he's climbing up the steps to get to the slide.