Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

Christmas morning began with Dylan opening his gifts. Once he opened Elmo, he was done. He is so obsessed with Elmo right now. We finally talked him into opening his other gifts and he decided opening presents could be fun! Plus, check out this cool new guitar! Now he can jam with Dad when they play Guitar Hero! (Notice the Elmo PJ's???!!!)
After brunch with MaMa, PaPa and David, we headed over to MiMi and G-Pa's. Dylan got a big wheel bike! He would not get off of it all night. The seat lifts up and his cup fits perfectly inside. He was even giving his cousins rides! (Although, he may not have volunteered to give them rides!!! He did it though, because he wasn't getting off that bike!!!)

Dylan giving Alexis and Mark a ride on his new bike.

G-Pa, MiMi, Mark, Dylan and Alexis.

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