Tuesday, November 4, 2008

At the Park

Since we're having such great weather, and I have a little free time on my hands, I decided to take Dylan to the park. He ran right to the swings! I think he could have stayed on the swings all day if I let him. I love how blue his eyes look with all that blue surrounding him.
We eventually headed to other parts of the playground. Here he is on a bridge connecting one slide to another. He thought it was so funny to put his head between the bars and yell for me.
I wanted to get some cute pictures of Dylan playing in the leaves. I brought a ball to bribe him with. Instead of cute pictures of him playing in the leaves, I got cute pictures of him playing with the ball. I think the other moms at the park were irritated, b/c all their kids wanted to play with the ball as well! What is it with kids and playing ball?
Serious soccer player in training.

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