Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Congrats to the Pitkin Family!

Conor and Trish welcomed their beautiful baby girl today...Mallory Pitkin. We're very excited for them and can't wait to meet her!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wii Wii Wii Wii Wii

As soon as Scott gets home, Dylan runs for the Wii remote, and repeats the word Wii until Scott plays with him. He loves it. It's so cute to watch him play. Secretly, Scott is playing and Dylan is just doing the motions, but Dylan doesn't know that! This clip is kind of long (36 seconds) but it shows how a typical point goes with the two of them playing tennis. Dylan plays so hard he has to take a drink break. He also celebrates in the middle of the match when Scott says "Good Job!" It's just too cute.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

21 Months!

So, being the crazy picture lady that I am, we had Dylan's 21 month picture taken earlier this month. While we were at it, we did a family picture as well. Dylan didn't really want to cooperate very well, but we still managed to get a couple of pictures. Here's the family pic...
And here is a picture of Dylan. I love it because it is classic Dylan...hanging on to mom, pretzel in his mouth (look closely at his teeth for pretzel chunks!), and a tear in his eye (He's really good at throwing fits!)!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Birthday to Taylor and Tyson!

What a fun day!

Today Taylor turns 2! She is the daughter of my friend that lives in Canada! Hope you are having a great day!

Also, this morning Tyson O'Neil Greiner was born! One of the girls I grew up with, Liz, and her husband, Anthony, had their baby boy this morning! Everyone is doing well! We're so excited for the new family! Congrats!

At the Park

Since we're having such great weather, and I have a little free time on my hands, I decided to take Dylan to the park. He ran right to the swings! I think he could have stayed on the swings all day if I let him. I love how blue his eyes look with all that blue surrounding him.
We eventually headed to other parts of the playground. Here he is on a bridge connecting one slide to another. He thought it was so funny to put his head between the bars and yell for me.
I wanted to get some cute pictures of Dylan playing in the leaves. I brought a ball to bribe him with. Instead of cute pictures of him playing in the leaves, I got cute pictures of him playing with the ball. I think the other moms at the park were irritated, b/c all their kids wanted to play with the ball as well! What is it with kids and playing ball?
Serious soccer player in training.

Happy Late Halloween!

Dylan had a fun Halloween! They had a class party at daycare. Here he is wearing his pumpkin shirt, all hyped up on sugar. Snack time was a brownie, a big orange cupcake, and apple slices with caramel! Talk about crazy. All the kids were crazy!

Here's Dylan with the neighbor girls, LeaLa (the fairy) and Hunter (Snow White). LeaLa is a couple months older, and Hunter is about 5 months younger. It's fun to watch them interact. They seem to entertain each other! We discovered that the two older ones have definitely mastered the word "Mine!"
Here's my monkey eating some M&M's!