Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend at the Lake

What a fun weekend! Dylan discovered many things: worms, swimming in the lake, and a new word, "Mine!" He was very aware of Olivia's presence. He didn't like sharing his toys, his mommy, or Grandma and Papa! Have you ever seen a 19 month old cast a dirty look? He mastered it this weekend, that's for sure! Now that Olivia is getting older we'll have to play with her more often so he learns to be friends with her!!!

Dylan was a little timid getting in the lake at first, but once he was in he loved it! He was putting his face in the water and kicking his little legs. He was very brave, and I was very proud. We start swimming lessons next weekend...I think he'll do great! Here's Scott & Dylan splashing the water at me.

Here's the family in the lake.
Here's Jon, Heidi and Olivia hanging out in the shade!
Papa and Grandma have a worm video and some pictures of Dylan fishing for the first time that are great! He is such a boy. I'll share them as soon as they are shared with me! (hint hint Kathy & Terry!!!)

I'm off to watch the premier of 90210-2. I'm not sure what to expect, but I can't just not watch it!

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