Monday, March 3, 2008


Dylan is growing up TOO fast for me! Today we went to Target to go shopping. He didn't want to sit in the cart, and he was getting heavy as we were walking around the store. He's walking pretty well now, so I set him down to see what he would do. He took off! He didn't even care if I was right behind him or not. He kept walking down the aisle as if he knew exactly what he was going for...and he stopped at a little baseball display! He was looking at a pink baseball helmet! (I'm not so sure about the pink part...) He started wandering around the little girl clothing department too...hmmm. I'm going to say the bright colors are what drew him in! :) Anyhow, I'm not ready for him to be that independent yet! It's kind of bittersweet...I'm so proud of him, but also sad that my little baby is turning into a big boy. He's still very cuddly though, so hopefully I'm good for awhile!

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