Monday, March 31, 2008

Opening Day

Here's Dylan in his baseball outfit. He's getting out some food so we can watch the game! :) We'll have to wait another day though, b/c the game was rained out. Only babies can wear outfit with cute little designs on their butt! Check out those legs!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Hoppy Easter!

The whole time we were in line to see the Easter Bunny, Dylan seemed very intrigued. He was studying the kids before us. When we got to the front of the line, he kept trying to get away from me so he could get closer to the Easter Bunny. For a moment, I thought, maybe he'll like the bunny. When it was his turn, he walked right up to the bunny, pointed to him and looked at me, as if for permission. I helped him onto the bunny's lap and the scream fest began! Luckily, the photographer snapped the picture quickly and I could save my little boy from the HUGE Easter Bunny! Maybe next year we'll get a smile...

Hope everyone had a great Easter!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Deer in our Yard!

Dylan was not feeling well today, so I worked from home. At one point, Buddy started acting very funny. He was fixated on something outside, and was growling. There is a dog that roams our neighborhhod, so I assumed that is what Buddy saw. However, there were 6 deer right outside our door! Actually, there were four right outside our door, and two in our neighbors yard. I'm thinking they might have migrated towards the neighborhood because of all the floods. (Which is a whole different story...) Here's a picture of the 4 deer that were right outside our door!


Scott passed! I am the wife of a CPA!!! Okay, so really there is one more section, but the first four are done with, and he will never have to take them again! This last section is an open book, group setting, ethics test. (Which to me, it's kind of funny that an ethics test is open book, but whatever!) Scott said he's heard that it is pretty hard, but at this point I'm just SO thrilled! He passed!!! I am so proud of him. GO SCOTT! Mr. CPA. :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

One strand of beads he wasn't sure about...More than one was something to cry about! He sure wasn't happy!
All better now...Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Enjoying Spaghetti!

Here's Dylan shoving his face with spaghetti. He was giggling the whole time...I guess he really likes it!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Lots of Snow!

Last week we got lots of snow! It was pretty exciting for St. Louis. Scott suggested taking Dylan's picture so we could measure how deep the snow was. I thought he meant take a picture of Dylan standing in front of the snow. No, not so much. He stuck Dylan right in the snow! As you can see, Dylan did NOT appreciate the gesture. The snow was pretty deep! :)

Owen, Vince & Dylan

We went to a birthday party for Noelle this past weekend...she turned 2! Somehow I did not get any picutres of the birthday girl though...I'll have to work on that! However, I did get pictures of the boys! Although, none of them looked at the camera. Owen (far left) is a few months younger than Dylan and Vince (center) is a couple of months older. It will be fun to watch them grow up together!
Us Mommies thought we were pretty clever here...

Monday, March 3, 2008


Dylan is growing up TOO fast for me! Today we went to Target to go shopping. He didn't want to sit in the cart, and he was getting heavy as we were walking around the store. He's walking pretty well now, so I set him down to see what he would do. He took off! He didn't even care if I was right behind him or not. He kept walking down the aisle as if he knew exactly what he was going for...and he stopped at a little baseball display! He was looking at a pink baseball helmet! (I'm not so sure about the pink part...) He started wandering around the little girl clothing department too...hmmm. I'm going to say the bright colors are what drew him in! :) Anyhow, I'm not ready for him to be that independent yet! It's kind of bittersweet...I'm so proud of him, but also sad that my little baby is turning into a big boy. He's still very cuddly though, so hopefully I'm good for awhile!