Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Car Seat!!!!

He's such a big boy now! I found a website that said they become toddlers at the age of one. I'm not ready for that yet! He's finally old enough (he was big enough a long time ago, but I've always heard 20 pounds AND one year old) to turn the car seat around! I think it's possible that I was more excited about it than he was. I think it's so neat to look in the mirror and actually see him hanging out in the back seat! I think he enjoys it too. He doesn't fight me to get in the car seat anymore...that's a good sign! His getting older is very bittersweet. I'm so excited about it, but not ready to let go at the same time. Is that why people have more than one kid? To have that baby stage back??? He just gets better everyday!

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