Monday, June 30, 2014


We went camping with lots of friends at Rend Lake.  We had fun hanging out on the beach, playing on the playground, running around in the dark and going on sailboat rides!  We did get rained on, on Sunday, which wasn't ideal, but it was while we were packing up and getting ready to leave, so we didn't really miss anything.  :)
 Hanging out on the beach.
 The boys built a mini-lake for Trevor and he had a blast!
 Sweaty, happy boy!
It wouldn't be camping without S'Mores!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Cute Boys

It's hard to get pictures of Trevor now a days because he is on the move!  He doesn't slow down and I love it!
 Sweet boys and a tower.

 Jackson thought Buddy had the right idea - napping in the sun.  :) 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Grant's Farm!

We had perfect weather for a day at Grant's Farm!  The kids enjoyed feeding various animals, snow cones, the Animal Encounter show, making wishes in the fountain and the merry go round (Trevor's first ride!)!  They found a cake too!


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Missouri Botanical Garden - LEGOS!

I love the exhibits that Missouri Botanical Gardens brings in every year.  It's always so fun.  I love just going to the garden and walking around.  It's so peaceful.  My favorite part has always been the Climatron, which is where they were hosting the Lego exhibit this year.  Double Fun!  We found a cake too!

Jackson is my silly one.  He always says his whole name is Jackson In A Tree Haarmann.  I have NO clue where that came from.  However, here is Jackson In A Tree Haarmann - in a tree!  
Here are some of the Lego exhibits.  The Bald Eagle has 42,198 Legos.
  The Lily has 32,514 Legos.
The Tractor has 20,903 Legos.
This Mosaic has 24,330 Legos and 2 cute models!