Thursday, February 20, 2014

Dylan's 7 year old pictures

I'm still not sure how it happened, but somehow Dylan turned 7 last month.  SEVEN!  He is such a fun kid to be around.  He's so helpful and kind to his brothers and he loves to help out around the house.  He's really into building Lego sets right now, and Transformers.  he's really learning to be independent, and trying to figure out how far he can push his independence.  (which makes me so proud and so nervous at the same time!)  He is a true joy and we are so lucky to have him as our son!  


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Trevor 10 months photos

My sweet baby boy at 10 months.  

Monday, February 10, 2014

Trevor is 10 Months!

Trevor has changed so much in the past month.  This young man is always on the move now!  It was hard to get him to stay in one place for these pictures!  And that sticker didn't stay on him for very long.  Dylan and Jackson weren't really climbers when they were little, but I think Trevor is going to give us a run for our money.  Already we caught him ON the fireplace, standing up, hanging on to my candle holder...which is not very sturdy.  I need to do some MAJOR baby proofing.  I've never had to worry about climbers!  He's figured out the drop game too (drop my cup and watch mommy pick it up, then laugh at her as I drop it again!).  He eats everything!  Every morning I talk to the boys as I'm leaving, reminding them to focus on their work, be good for their teachers & have a great day.  I now tell Trevor not to take food that isn't his!  Apparently, he steals his friends food!  He's a handful, but he's so much fun!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Happy Birthday Dylan!

Hard to believe that this sweet baby...
 Is now 7 years old!!!  He makes me so proud to be his mom.  Love this kid!
 Power Rangers Megazord was his favorite gift.  He was so excited!