Saturday, December 20, 2014

Tis the Season!

We have been trying to make the most of the holiday season this year.  Thank goodness for Amazon!  We aren't spending as much time in the stores this year, so we have plenty of time to do lots of fun activities!  We took a self guided tour at Anheuser Busch to see the lights.  Scott and I got to sample some adult beverages too!
 The boys were pretending to ride the horses in the picture...
 We had breakfast with Santa.
 We made lots and lots of yummy cookies with Aunt Kassi!
 We look for Mr. Elf every morning - he's done some crazy things this year!  For example, he was sliding down the banister, drawing on our pictures and having a snowball fight with Bullseye!

 Dylan and Jackson each participated in their school programs.  Dylan was an angel and Jackson was a dancing super star!
 We visited Santa again, on the Polar Express!   

 I love the interaction between Santa and Trevor on this one!
We saw some cool lights at Wildlights at the Zoo.  

 Jackson was not willing to be in the family picture... 

 I had lots of helpers with all the present wrapping.  Trevor was guarding (or climbing all over!) this present!
I hope everyone is enjoying the season as much as we are!  Merry Christmas!

Sunday, November 16, 2014


I can't see his eyes in this pic, but I can see that smile, and I love it!
 Jackson and Trevor were so excited to get outside and play in the snow.  Dylan - not so much.  He was enjoying being inside, where it was warm.  :) 
Jackson's jumping into a pile of leaves SNOW!  (actually, I guess it's a mix - I see some leaves in there!)
 Trevor had so much fun, which is great!  The other two boys never liked being out in the cold when they were this young!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Cake Hunt!

We're almost done with our cake hunt - we have 4 more to get!  Here we found one with a bonus All Star Arch!
 Some fun ones.
 Double cakes! 
 Trevor was so excited to get out of the car and run a bit!
 We called this cake the catfish cake - can you guess why?  It was the last cake of the day, and the boys and I had had some fun with it!  Dylan and I were fishing for the catfish! 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Jackson is 5 and Trevor is 18 months!

Jackson and the Hulk.  (BTW, Jackson has informed us that he is stronger than the Hulk, so BEWARE!)

 Scary Sully
  Trevor, being adorable. 

Dylan snuck into a few pictures.  :)
 Dylan was not being very cooperative for the Halloween pics... 
but was all smiles once he got a hold of Sully's tail!  Unfortunately, that made Sully very sad.  This is how my days go - every single day.
 Sort of cooperating...

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

We enjoyed lots of Halloween activities this year!  The fun began with Trunk or Treating at Dylan's school.  It was the only time that Trevor kept his Elmo head on long enough for me to get the picture!  Jackson was Sully the monster, and Dylan is Darth Vader.  :)
 Our pumpkins.  The boys picked the designs.  :) 
We had Olivia, Evelyn and Owen over to go trick or treating!  This was the closest we could get to getting a picture of all the kids!  Elmo, Monkey, Rapunzel, Sully, Darth Vader & (you guessed it)  Elsa.
 Sully was very creative with his bag.  It's hard to see in this picture, but it's one of those bags you can wear as a book bag, but he's wearing it on the front!  That way, he didn't have to carry it - he said it was getting heavy! 
 The little loves all bundled up in the wagon.
 The older loves are all done trick or treating, and are anxiously waiting for trick or treaters so they can hand out candy!