Sunday, November 24, 2013


Today we headed over to Bass Pro Shop to enjoy their Winter Wonderland and have a special visit with Santa!  (Yes, I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet.)  The boys always love the games they can play, and you get a free picture with Santa.  Plus, they let you take your own pictures.  :)  We enjoyed the bow and arrow, the target shooting, being train conductors and much more!  The year it was neat to see Jackson's reaction to Santa.  He was in awe.  Dylan was honestly more impressed with the games, but was more than happy to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas.  Luckily there were no tears this year!  


We are so excited to be kicking off our holiday season!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Jackson School Pictures

Jackson attends 2 schools Monday through Thursday, so we have 2 sets of school pictures.  And, since I'm slightly obsessed with pictures of my boys, I of course ordered from both schools.  Here are his pictures from First Academy.  (I posted his pictures from Bowles awhile ago...)  I love that smile...and those dimples!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Trevor's 7 month photos

I love his crazy hair!  

I've taken monthly picures of all 3 boys during their first year.  Months 7 & 8 are with Scott and I as well.  (One parent at a time, so next month is Scott's turn!)  I don't love these, but they aren't horrible either. :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Trevor is 7 months!

I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow my littlest love is 7 months old!  We are so lucky to have him in our lives.  He is such a happy, easy go lucky baby!  Last week he started sitting up on his own, with confidence!  He loves to be sitting up now, and part of the action.  He really wants to pull himself up to  standing too, so he can really see what's going on.  He has 2 teeth on the bottom, and one on top.  He loves to give great big kisses now too, which I LOVE!  I just can't get enough of this guy!

 Showing off his bottom teeth!