Sunday, September 29, 2013

Disney on Ice!

I was excited to see that the line up for Disney on Ice was not all princesses this year!  There was one section that showcased all the princesses, but the majority of the show was Toy Story, Nemo and other gender neutral shows.  The boys really had a blast.  And, they actually loved the princesses!  LOL
  Me and my adorable boys!
 Daddy and Trevor took a little nap.
 Watching the show.  They seem very serious!
All smiles and spiky hair after the show!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Trevor's 5 Month Photos

Here's my big guy at 5 months!
 Always playing with those feet.

 I got the below picture because it was Dylan's favorite.  He was helping me pick out the pictures and insisted that we get it!

Friday, September 27, 2013


Waiting for the ride to start.
 Everyone had to have their own apple bag.  It was quite the sight to see them carrying those bags around.  They get heavy after you pick a few apples.  :) 
 Our official apple pickers.
When Dylan was raised up high, he would pick one apple.  Jackson, however, was smart and would grab 3 or 4.  That made it much easier for Dad!
 The pumpkin shooting canyon.
 The boys loved the tire swings.
  Scott and Trevor, lost in the corn maze!
 Jackson is my little lover boy.  He's always giving kisses...
 and he always wants to hold Trevor's hand.  I love it.
  My sweet little love.
 The boys and I.

 I love this picture of Scott and Trevor having a heart to heart.  
  Trevor wanted to know what all the fuss was about!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Random fun!

They look so sweet...
until you zoom out and see the whole wacky picture!
 True Royalty never remove their crowns..and they do their best thinking in their sleep!
 Jackson is always loving on Trevor.
  Love his crazy hair!
 My morning heavenly hello.  See how the one tree looks like a cross above the other trees?  Very peaceful.
 I love my hibiscus plant.  I must have taken a thousand pictures of it this year.  

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Trevor's 4 month pictures

Here are Trevor's official 4 month pictures.  Dylan insisted on taking some pictures with Trevor, so we did some brother shots as well!  Trevor wasn't too sure about picture time...which happened to fall around lunch time.  Poor planning on mommy's part.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Trevor is 5 months!

I can't believe it, but Trevor is 5 months old!  He weighs in at 19 pounds 12 ounces and is my cuddly bundle of joy!
 Check out these thighs!

 This picture is kind of weird, I know.  But, I love it because this is what he is doing all the time right now.  He tries so hard to sit up on his own, but falls forward each time.  He's so close!