Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Trevor's 1 Month Photos!

My littlest love is growing up so fast!  He weighed in at 12 pounds, 6 ounces and 22 1/2 inches long at 1 month old!  He's a complete joy to have in our family.  The boys still absolutely adore him, and we all love getting our cuddle time with him.  :)  Here are his one month photos.

 I think the mad/sad face is so cute!
 Here's the one month pictures that I took with his 1 month sticker.  Such a simple and perfect idea.  I wish we had these stickers with the other two boys!  Dylan set up and took this first shot...maybe he'll be a photographer one day!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Trevor's Baptism

My sweet little boy was baptized today.  He did so well.  There were no tears!  In fact, he actually cracked a smile when the priest poured the holy water on him.  It was so sweet.  Here he is with his family and his Godparents, Jennifer Warfel and Jon Haarmann.  

think this picture is hilarious!

And just for fun...Dylan has a black background and Jackson has the white background.  Dylan was baptized 6 years ago tomorrow.   

Friday, May 10, 2013

My Loves

My boys all had their spring pictures taken in early April.  Dylan and Jackson had their pictures taken at school.
 And Trevor had his pictures taken within hours of being born!  He was born at 10:06 at night, and had his pictures taken early the next morning.  
 Don't you just want to love on those cheeks? 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Brothers Gotta Hug!

Trevor has been with us for 3 weeks now, and the time has flown by!  Dylan and Jackson absolutely adore baby Trevor.  They love holding him and loving on him.  It's so sweet.  Trevor is so lucky to have such fabulous big brothers!  Jackson always says "Mom, baby Trevor go WAAA!" (just in case I couldn't hear him crying!)  Dylan gets so tickled when Trevor actually has his eyes open (he sleeps a lot still, but is awake longer every day!)

  It's so funny how big Dylan and Jackson look to me now.  Their heads are ginormous!

I love Trevor's hair!
  Just getting some tummy time in.