Sunday, April 29, 2012

Chuck E Cheese!

Dylan was invited to a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese.  I took Jackson up there too, and he and I got to play some games while Dylan enjoyed his party.  Jackson wasn't sure what to think of Mr. Chuck E Cheese.  He kept his distance. 
 Jackson is so proud to drive the jeep.
 Dylan and the birthday boy, Logan.
 Dylan enjoying one of the roller coaster games.
 Isn't this how everyone eats cupcakes?
 Jackson, patiently waiting for the ball to roll back down

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Toddler Bed!

Jackson decided to 'jump' out of his crib a couple of times, so we decided it was time to make the big transition to a big boy bed.  We set a twin mattress on the floor for him, and he was SO excited!  Look how little he looks in his big bed. 
This is how we usually find him in the morning.  And yes, he sleeps in his shoes.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Boys Day Out!

Scott had a couple of weeks off work before he started his new job, so he took the boys to a baseball game!  The boys had a great time with their male bonding.  Here they are checking out the blue water in the fountain.  Go BLUES!

Scott was holding the camera and taking pictures of all three of them.  He's got mad skills.
I'm not sure what was going on here...but I love this picture.  It totally shows Jackson's personality.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Our Easter celebration was full of family and fun! The boys were so excited the Easter bunny hid eggs in the house for them to find. They were all smiles!
We had brunch with all the Haarmann's. The boys had fun playing with all the cousins. It was such a beautiful day, so we enjoyed playing outside. Here are some of the cousins after the egg hunt.
Jackson and Evelyn looking for flowers to bring to me.Olivia trying to tickle Dylan!After brunch we headed over the Mimi and Gpa's house to celebrate with them. Jackson and Emily really enjoyed blowing bubbles with looks like it was very serious work!
Here's most of the cousins on my side of the family. We hope everyone had a 'Hoppy Easter!"

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Egg Hunt at Clubhouse

We had a blast participating in our subdivision egg hunt. We enjoyed breakfast, games and a visit from the Easter Bunny! Dylan noticed that the Easter bunny was wearing tennis shoes and told me it was a fake bunny. I let him know that the bunny had to wear tennis shoes on the asphalt because she didn't want to hurt her paws. Especially since she had to visit everyone's home that night. He thought about it for a minute and decided to believe me, thank goodness. I'm not ready for him to be that grown up yet! *sigh*
Little kids went first. It was so nice. We've been to chaotic egg hunts where the little ones got pushed over. This was a very friendly egg hunt and the kids (and the parents!) were able to relax.Then the big kids went. Dylan wasted no time once they said go!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday Tradition

Every year we spend Good Friday with the Haarmann's. The favorite activity is, of course, dying Easter eggs.

Here's a picture of all the kids. It's so hard to get them to cooperate for a picture. The oldest two were eating their feet and thought it was hilarious!
Mama and Papa gave the kids their Easter baskets early this year. One of the many treasures they received was a pair of goggles. Now we are all set for our trip to the beach this summer! How cute are they???!!!
Someone was so excited about his basket that he insisted on sleeping with it.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dying Eggs with Mimi and Gpa

We had fun hanging out at Mimi and Gpa's house. Aunt Kassi helped us dye some eggs with kool-aid!

Check out this 6 foot long black snake we found in the back yard. Mimi and Gpa said they see him once or twice a year, and he just keeps getting bigger. I would be too nervous that he would end up in the house! I was okay watching him in THEIR backyard...but if that was my house, it would have been a whole different story!