Sunday, August 28, 2011

Busy Busy Weekend!

Saturday morning started out with a fun visit to the Tucker Family! We got to meet baby Lilly for the first time. She's a little over a month old now, and precious as can be. Angie and Jeremy are so proud, as they should be! Dylan wanted to hold Lilly the whole time. He kept commenting on how little she was. It was so sweet. I don't know if Jackson even knew there was a baby there, LOL. He was much more interested in the dog!

Next we headed to Mark's 4th birthday party. It was at the Eureka firehouse. First they showed us a little safety video and taught the kids all about fire safety. Then we got a tour of the station (which doesn't look like the movies at all!) Next we watched one of the guys put on all his gear, so the kids could see what they look like, and hopefully know not to be scared if they are ever in a situation where they need a firefighter. Finally we got to see and RIDE in the fire truck! It was so fun. (I got to ride with Dylan!)

Happy Birthday Mark Thomas!
We finally headed home for the day, and Scott got busy working in the basement. He started framing the walls a few weeks's to a long, fun project! The boys, as always, were very eager to help. They are awfully cute construction workers!
Sunday we helped Grady celebrate his 3rd birthday! We had fun playing in the yard with all the kids, and riding our bikes! I tried showing Jackson how to hold the bat, but he wanted to do it his own way. He has such a strong personality when he wants to!

Happy Birthday Grady!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Angie and Garrett Visit!

Angie and Garrett came in town for a visit. Dylan was so excited. He kept reminding me that Angie is his friend too. He has a blast when she's in town! It was so good to see them an enjoy some laughs with them. We can't wait for the next visit!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jackson is 21 Months!

So, he's more like 22 months now, but I finally got around to scanning his 21 month pictures. :) He's growing up so fast! He may look just like his big brother, but he is developing a personality all his own and I LOVE it! I'm so proud of my little monkey!

Dylan was excited to get in on the picture action too. Here's some cute shots of the boys together!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Too Cute!

I know I'm a little partial, but I LOVE these pictures. Dylan is always looking out for his little brother. It is too sweet! First Dylan is encouraging Jackson to come down the slide.
Here comes Jackson...Dylan is reaching in to grab him!Everyone is safe and happy!Seriously, is that not the sweetest thing ever? Here's some more cuteness!
He was one worn out boy!