Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jackson's new hairstyle

Scott picked the boys up from school today, and this is what Jackson looked like! Apparently the teachers were putting ponytails in some of the girl's hair, and Jackson wanted one too!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. We spent the day with Mimi and GPa...and the chickens! Seriously, they have chickens now. The kids LOVE the chickens.
The boys, sort of cooperating for me. :)Dylan insisted on getting pictures with Mark and Alexis. He had so much fun playing with them.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Kentucky Derby!

We enjoyed watching the Kentucky Derby with the Brueckmanns and Woods. Dylan was cheering for horse #4, Always Thirsty. (that's what he kept calling the horse anyways!) Here are all my boys cheering for their horses.
Maddie and Dylan had their own horse races. They are holding up their winning horses!The kids had a lot of fun telling knock knock jokes...Knock Knock? Who's there?
CHICKEN BUTT! (leave it to my child to always turn a conversation to butts or farting. LOL)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Official Easter Pictures

I pressed my luck by trying to get the boys Easter pictures after Jackson was done with his 18 month pictures. Dylan was all for it, but Jackson was no longer in the mood. They are still so cute though!

Jackson is 18 Months!

Okay, so he's been 18 months now for a week or so, but I just got his pictures back yesterday. He's weighing in at 26lbs, 3 ounces. Just right. :) I usually don't get suckered in to the enhanced photos, but I couldn't resist this one. Check out those eye lashes!
My smiley, happy guy.