Sunday, April 25, 2010

Jackson is 6 Months!

I can't believe Jackson is 6 months old already! He's just a joy to have in our lives. His smile and his dimple are sure to make anyone smile. :) He's really into playing with his toes, rolling around everywhere, and grabbing anything that he knows he's not supposed to grab! (paper, mom's soda, whatever!) He weighs 18 pounds, 6 ounces and is 27 inches long. Here's his 6 month pictures. He is so close to sitting on his own, but needed a little bit of support from the boppy pillow. The photographer tried to hide it with the white blanket, but it's very obvious. :)Check out that mohawk-like hair!
Wearing Scott's hat!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Becker Easter

We headed over to my Dad and Marie's for Easter dinner and more outdoor fun. Dylan got to enjoy another Easter egg hunt...he was in heaven! Check out that excited face!
Reaching way into the plant...Got it!
Dylan, Alexis and Mark waiting to start the egg hunt.
Jackson going for the star. What's funny is I think I have the exact same picture of Dylan. There is something about that star!
Marie and Alexis.
Jackson and Cameron.
Emily. She smiles!
Drew. Emily and Drew are twins.
Mark in deep thought.
We had a great time on Easter and are so lucky to have such fabulous family to share it with. Hope everyone had a great Easter!

Haarmann Easter

We headed over to Haamann Easter at the Lampe's for our traditional Haarmann brunch. It was a beautiful day so we got to hang out outside a lot! It's been awhile since it wasn't rainy and yucky on Easter Sunday. We enjoyed another egg hunt, climbing trees, running down a little hill, sidewalk chalk, play dough, and just relaxing in the sun. Here's a family pic!Jackson and I hanging out in the tree.Olivia, Dylan, Mama and Scott hanging out in the tree!Jackson chilling with his great Grandpa Haarmann!Olivia and Dylan running down the hill. I think Dylan taught her how to fake fall onto the ground. He's such a boy.Having a very serious conversation about the owie on his finger.Sidewalk chalk time with cousin Thom!
Easter morning we woke up to some fun surprises from the Easter bunny. Dylan got some pajamas with Buzz Lightyear on them...and instant favorite! He also hid eggs inside AND outside the house. Dylan had a blast looking for all the eggs! He was so excited to see candy in his green egg!He found the 'special' egg. It had a car in it!Jackson and I hanging out.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Another Easter Egg Hunt!

On Saturday our subdivision had a big Easter breakfast and egg hunt at the clubhouse. There's a guy in the subdivision that does balloon animals, and he was there as well. Dylan had a blast at the Easter Egg hunt. He learned to shake the eggs to help decide if he wanted that egg or not. Some of these eggs had stickers, which wouldn't make noise when he shook them. Those eggs got tossed back! He was on the hunt for candy! He would only pick up green eggs again...I'm not sure where that obsession came from. I tried talking him into getting a couple blue eggs, but he didn't want blue. He did pick up 2 pink eggs though. I think mostly to get me to stop bugging him! There is nothing wrong with green eggs, I just don't want to have all green eggs to hide next year!Shaking a green egg to hear if it had candy or not.Waiting patiently while the balloon man makes his airplane.His blue dairplane! (that's what he calls it!)Jackson looking sweet all bundled up.

Good Friday

We had the Haarmann Family over on Good Friday for dinner, cooking making & egg dying. Olivia and Dylan had a great time adding M&M's to the chocolate chip cookies. I think more M&M's made it into their bellies though! Here's Dylan watching Livy...just making sure she's doing it right!
The kids had a blast dying Easter eggs after dinner. Dylan was very serious about it. He has so much fun dying eggs every year. I should save a pack of dye and make this a rainy day activity later on in the year... Say cheese everyone! (Well, the kids are too busy, so just Heidi and I are saying cheese!)
Dylan actually paused long enough to take a picture with me!Olivia and Dylan hug it out a the end of the night.