Thursday, October 30, 2008


We made some brownies tonight for Dylan's Halloween Party tomorrow at school. He was so excited to help me poor the stuff in the bowl and stir it up. He was even more excited when he discovered the age old tradition of licking the spoon! He is so my child!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Carving Pumpkins!!!

Today Kassi and Josh came over to carve pumpkins. Dylan helped a little bit, but wasn't too big on the idea of getting his hands instead he played in the dirt. Makes a lot of sense, huh? He helped long enough to get some cute pictures though!

The finished products. Josh and Scott said our pumpkins were very generic...I think they are traditional!

Practicing being a big brother...

No, I'm not pregnant...but someday I hope to have a little brother or sister for Dylan. He got to practice being a big brother this weekend, when Gray was staying with us. Here's Dylan apologizing to Gray after he chucked a Lego at Gray's head. He has to apologize now in order to get out of time out.
Here's Dylan helping me feed Gray his bottle.

Boo at the Zoo

My friend Nikki was in town with her son Gray, who is 6 months old. I thought it would be fun to go to Boo at the Zoo. They had trick or treating trails where we got lots of candy! Then we walked around looking at the animals. The weather ended up being great! Here's the family after we went trick or treating. Dylan is a tired monkey. Gray is a smiley monster.
Who let that monkey roam free in the zoo?
The mandatory penguin statue picture. He was petting the fake penguin.

Congrats Kim and Josh!

Kim Fagyal is now Kim Piant! Kim and Josh got married on Friday night. We're so excited for them!

Pumpkin Patch!

We went to the pumpkin patch with Aunt Heidi and Olivia. Dylan and Olivia weren't too sure what to think of each other still! It's so funny to watch them interact. Here's Dylan by the pumpkins.
Here's Olivia watching and taking notes from Dylan on how to not sit still for the camera!

Here's Heidi and Olivia in front of the big pumpkin!

How cute is this?The fam...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Swim Lessons!

Dylan had his last swim lesson yesterday. Only 2 of the kids (including Dylan) showed up, so he basically had the pool to himself! I stopped going to swim lessons because of my ears. Scott and Dylan have been going together and having a great time! Here they are playing Humpty Dumpty. When Humpty falls off the wall, you're supposed to pull the child off and let him go under. I love his facial expression. Dylan hated this drill on the first lesson...actually, he loved sitting on the wall, because he wasn't in the water! Now he likes Humpty Dumpty. The swim lessons were really good for Dylan!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Crazy Hair!!!

Dylan's hair is getting so long. I'm trying to wait to get his hair cut for another week or so. I want to do his 21 month pictures and family pictures at the beginning on November. If I can hold off on getting his hair cut until then, it will be perfect for pictures! Here he is right after a bath. I also put a side view to show how wild it was all over!

First hint of dress up?

Although it doesn't look like it, Dylan actually wanted to wear my jacket tonight. He was so frustrated though because it was way too big! He kept taking it off and putting it back on. It's so weird how they just repeat things over and over again and that entertains them!