Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Mark!

Dylan's cousin, Mark, turns one today! Happy Birthday Mark! Here he is eating cake at his birthday party last weekend! Yum!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

18 Month Stats

Dylan had a great 18 month check up this week. He is weighing in at 27 lbs 6 oz, which puts him in the 70th percentile. He is 33 inches long, and his head circumference is 48 1/2 cm. Both of those are in the 75th percentile.

We also had a visit from our parents as teachers lady this week. Dylan is progressing beautifully. She was really impressed with his pincher grasp and his ability to throw the ball. He will play ball for hours! Luckily Buddy loves to play fetch!

Here's a cute little story. We went to the grocery store right after I picked him up from school the other day. He was covered in dirt from the playground (Dylan and his friend Jacob like to throw mulch around and possibly at each other) and he had a runny nose so he had snot everywhere. He was throwing a little fit b/c he was couldn't figure out the safety buckle on the cart and was getting very frustrated. Despite all of that, some lady approached us and told me he looks like a Gerber baby. I don't remember the Gerber baby ever being snotty, covered in dirt or throwing a fit, but I was so proud none the less! That lady in the store was my best friend that evening!

Monday, August 18, 2008


A bunch of us headed to Cincinnati to catch a Cards/Reds game. We were fortunate enough to be there on Saturday when the Cardinals won! Go Cards! The Great American Ball Park was right on the Ohio River, which was a neat view.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

18 Months Old!

We got his 18 month pictures taken today! He was a wild's a wonder the photographer even captured anything. He was running all over the place!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Visiting Nikki & Grayling

I went to Des Moines to visit my friend Nikki and her son Grayling. He is almost 4 months old. He was so talkative and such a pleasant baby to be around. It seems like forever ago that Dylan was this little! Here's Grayling looking sweet as can be.

Here's a picture of Nikki holding her little boy, and a picture of Gray and I relaxing!