Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Boys are Gross!!!

Dylan kept repeating the word nose in an attempt to get my attention while I was making dinner. He would say "Nose, Nose, Nose." and then laugh hysterically. You know that contagious belly laugh where you can't help but laugh along? I looked over and this is what I saw! He thought he was hilarious!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Congrats to Eric & Katie

Katie Moehlenhoff got married last night. I felt so old...I can remember her as a little girl. She grew up beautifully. Dylan was a dancing fool at the reception. There were two other little girls there about his age. They were all so cute.

Congrats Katie & Eric!

The Heyen's

My cousin, Lauren, and her family were in town for the week. Her son, Jake, was in the little league world series playoffs! We went to one of his games, and they won 20-6! I always get confused, but I think Jake would be my cousin once removed. Then he & Dylan would be 2nd cousins...although it could be the other way around! Anways, here's everyone at Dad's after the game. We were treated to pizza & ice cream, yum! (Aunt Donna...Lauren was very proud that she met Dylan before you did!!! Just thought I'd rub that in. When are you coming to visit???)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Suson Park

MaMa & PaPa brought Olivia and met us at Suson Park today. I didn't even know this park existed. They had pigs, goats, cows, horses, chickens, bunnies and more! There was also a brand new playground. The ground of the playground was made out of the same stuff as a track, but it seemed much more cushionier. We will definitely be returning to Suson Park! Here's us looking like farmers!

It took Dylan awhile, but he finally decided he liked to swing!

Dylan enjoyed the piglets. They were just his size! I think Olivia enjoyed watching Dylan the most out of all the animals! I wanted a picture of her by an animal though, so here she is by a goat. It kind of looks like the goat is kissing Olivia...but rest assured she was nowhere near us!

Working Out

Just a cute pic!

Crayola Bouncer

They had one of those big air bouncer things at school this week. I was off work, so we went to let Dylan play with his class in the bouncer. He wanted nothing to do with it. Here is a picture of him throwing a fit inside the bouncer. I finally crawled in with him, but he wouldn't let go of me!

The next day the bouncer was still at school. His teachers said that he went right on in and bounced with the class, no problem. He's definitely in his mommy stage right now!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Zoo

Dylan and I went to the zoo this morning. It was entertaining to watch him run around. He is at a very fun age. We saw a mommy giraffe giving her baby some kisses, and a big gorilla taking a nap.

We went to the zoo about this time last year. We took a picture of Dylan next to a little penguin statue. I saw the statue today and couldn't resist taking another picture. Look at how big he has gotten! (Never mind that he looks terrified!)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!!

We went to see fireworks on Tuesday night with the Warfel family. Here's Owen & Dylan watching the fireworks in their big boy chairs. The noise didn't seem to bother them at all. Dylan kept pointing to the fireworks and saying "Whoa!"