Friday, April 25, 2008

Fun Announcement!

I got a surprise email from a close friend that some of you may know...Liz O'Neil is getting married in June! Not only that, but she is having a baby in early November! I'm so excited for her! Congrats to Liz & Anthony!

Welcome Grayling James

Our friend Nikki had her baby! Grayling (I think they are going to call him Gray) was born on April 19th. Mom & Baby are doing great! I don't have any pictures b/c they are in Iowa, but below is a link to some pictures that one of Nikki's friends (who happens to be a photographer!) took. I love the third picture...he looks like a glass china doll! We can't wait to meet him!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

More Recent Pics

Dylan has rediscovered making noises with his mouth. He loves making the indian noises, and raspberry noises. Here he is being very serious about making noises with his lips.
He got to pick out a new pair of sunglasses from Target. Doesn't he look cool???!!!
He put them on the top of his head all by himself. I guess he has seen other people do that. He picks up on lots of things lately, and has become quite the copy cat! He even puts his toys under the furniture like Buddy does with his ball. Then he whines until we get the toy out for him...again, just like Buddy!

Random Pictures

Here's a cool picture Scott took. It's just neat, so I thought I'd share it.Here's Dylan in his Cardinal PJ's. He loves to eat his Cheerios...but I think he loves to empty the bowl even more. I have a snack cup with a 'spill proof' lid now, but somehow Cheerios still end up everywhere I turn. He enjoys feeding them to (or throwing them at) Buddy as well. :) This picture is a couple of months old now...I think his face looks much more like a little boy now.

Dylan has never wanted to be in the big part of the cart...he much prefers to help me push the cart along. He's enjoying a much needed nap here though!

Mark Thomas's baptism

Dylan's cousin, Mark, was baptized a couple of weekends ago. Afterwards we went over to Mark's house to eat and play. Here is Dylan showing Mark how to play with this toy...or is he trying to not let Mark play??? It's hard to tell!

Finally, Nice Weather

It's finally been warm enough, and dry enough, to go outside. Dylan is helping us rake up the dead grass so we can plant new seed! He LOVES being outside now. We walk up and down the sidewalk. I think he would do it for hours if I let him.


So, we live pretty close to all the floods that happened over the last month or so. In fact, some of our neighbors were sand bagging their houses...because a creek in our subdivision was flooding. Below is the intersection that would normally lead you to our house. You would turn right at the light, right in front of the blue building.

For those of you that are familiar with the area, in the picture below, I am standing in the driveway of Andre's West. The water was everywhere. Luckily, it is back down now, and all the roads are open again. (at least all the roads that we use.) Soccer Park Rd (I think the real name is Yarnell Rd.) just opened up last Friday.

Time to Catch Up!

It has been WAY too long since I've updated this. I finally uploaded all the pics that were in my cameras. Here is one of Dylan giving the Easter Bunny a high five. I was pretty impressed he was even giving the bunny the time of day. The rest of the time he was crying and trying to run away from him!