Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I can stand!!!

So, everynight it has become a tradition in the Haarmann household to walk up and down the hallway over and over again. He LOVES to push his toys back and forth and practice walking. At the end of the hallway, he usually sits down and waits for me to turn the toy around. Today, he just stood up, all on his own! He was so proud of himself! He just looked up at me and smiled! It made my heart melt. My little baby is becoming a little boy!

Wild Hair!!!

So, Dylan still doesn't really have enough hair to go crazy...but this is wild for him! It kind of looks like a mohawk!

Monday, January 28, 2008

One Surgery Down...

Last week was a rough one for Dylan and I. Mostly for me, I think. We found out that Dylan had to have tubes put in, and that I need ear surgery as well. Dylan's was this morning, and he was a trooper! You can't even tell that he had surgery...he is in a great mood, per the usual. :) My surgery will not be until Valentines Day. I have a feeling I won't be in such a good mood when it's all over. Here are a couple of pictures from Dylan this morning. (I wasn't the only mom with a camera while their children were on the "Happy Medicine" so I didn't feel bad!)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Olivia Ann Haarmann

Pictures as promised! Doesn't Jon look so proud???!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Baby Haarmann is Here!

And she's a girl! Olivia Anne Haarmann. She came weighing in at 8 pounds 4 ounces and 20 3/4 inches long. Congrats Jon & Heidi!!! We are so excited for you! I'll post pictures in the morning.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Update on Aunt Heidi...

She is 6th in line to be induced tomorrow! Cross your fingers and say a prayer that everything goes well...we can't wait!

Another New Baby!!!

Congrats to some more friends! Amy and Chris welcomed a new baby boy, Christian Van Gegg. Lily is a big sister! Boys seem to be the trend right now...maybe there will be another boy for Heidi and Jon! It's their turn!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

In true Jefferson County Spirit

But there is a new baby!!!

Our friends, Steve and Mel, welcomed a new baby boy yesterday. Wesley Steven Wood. Everyone is healthy and happy. Espeically Maddie...she's a big sister now! We'll post pics as soon as we get some!

No baby yet for Aunt Heidi...

But we're hoping it's VERY soon. She is now at least 4cm. We can't wait to meet the new baby Haarmann!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Cousin on the Way!!!

Aunt Heidi is due with Dylan's cousin the day after Dylan's birthday, which is Feb. 4th. She went to the doctor today and she is 3 1/2 cm dialated! We're so excited!

Practicing Walking

Tonight Dylan was very serious about walking with his lion. He walked up and down the hall numerous times...he's getting pretty good!

Late Night Snack!

Sometimes we enjoy a healthy yogurt snack before bed. Dylan likes to practice eating with his empty yogurt cup and spoon, yet somehow we still managed to make a mess! When we're not in the high chair, Dylan moves around alot and sometimes the spoon doesn't quite hit his mouth! I think it's hilarious!

70's in January!

It was 73 degrees here over the weekend. Very nice weather. We stole dad from his studying and went to the park for a little bit. Dylan was more interested in watching all the other kids playing. He did like the slide though. :) I'm glad we were able to get out of the house for awhile!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Eleven Months Old!

If you can believe it, Dylan is 11 months old now! He just gets more fun everyday! Here are his 11 month pictures. He's my little model! Check out those teeth!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

We hope everyone had a fun New Year's celebration and is looking forward to a fabulous 2008! We're looking forward to Dylan gaining a new cousin in late January and having his first birthday in early February! This is also the lucky year that I get to celebrate my first 29th birthday, and Scott turns 30! We have lots of new babies and weddings to celebrate as well...it's all very exciting! Happy New Year!!!